Chapter 13 - Mr. McHotty

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Garreth's POV

"Like this?" I ask the older man watching my every move as I brew the next batch of thunderbrew potions.

"Ahh, perfect!" He states with excitement. "You truly have come a long way from the first year who would cause trouble every time he'd walk into my shop!"

"Thank you, Mr. Pippin!"

"I trust you to stir that until it finishes then we can move to restocking the ingredient shelves. Come and find me upfront when that is bottled."

"Yes, Sir!" This job has been great so far! I've only worked two shifts, but I already feel like there is so much I'm learning that I never realized was needed to run a potion shop. After siring the potion for a few minutes, the color change indicates it is ready. Filling up 10 vials, I carefully cork and wax them shut before placing them in the proper storage container.

Walking to the front of the store I am met with a pleasant surprise. Bett!

"Ah, Garreth!" Mr. Pippin waves me over to the counter. "Can you please help ring this young lady up?"

"It would be my pleasure." I flash her a wink.

He immediately slaps the back of my head. "Don't harass my customers!"

"Sorry! I know her!" I quickly try to defend myself. I see one dimple appear as Bett tries to hold back her laugh.

"Regardless if it is your girlfriend or an old man in here, I expect you to be professional at all times."

I see Bett open her mouth to speak, but I beat her to it before she can deny we're dating. "Of course, Sir. I apologize and it won't happen again."

"Good." He states as he turns to walk to a shelf and resumes taking inventory.

"Is this all for you, Miss?" I flash my best service voice and smile at her.

Letting a small giggle slip as she grabs the bag of ingredients. "Yes, Sir. Thank you." She takes out a few gallons, sliding them across the counter. "And you can keep the change... For the excellent customer service." She grins at me.

"Well that is just too kind of you! Have a wonderful day!" I speak dramatically before leaning over the counter to lower my voice to a whisper. "Shift ends in an hour, meet at the three broomsticks?"

She gives a quick nod before heading out the door.


Walking up the street, I cannot contain my smile. I feel like everything is going great! I have a job, Bett sits next to me in nearly every class, my parents love her, I'm feeling closer to her than ever, and now I'm on my way to have a drink with her like a real couple might do!!! The most beautiful witch in existence is waiting for me right behind those doors!

Walking into the Three Broomsticks the cozy tavern is welcoming and luckily not super full. Looking further in, I spot the blonde near the far left corner at a two top table reading.

"Hey!" I bend down kissing the top of her head as I take the seat across from her.

"What was that for?" She blushes while closing her book.

"I'm just happy to see you." I smile. "Is that okay?"

"Umm, yes... well no actually... Umm Sironna offered me a job so maybe we don't do that here...since she's technically my boss."

"THAT'S AMAZING!" I grab her hands across the table. "When do you start?"

Pulling her hands from mine quickly she slides them under the table. "She wants me working weekends, since that's when she needs the most help. So this Friday I'll start in the evening."

Your Eyes - Garreth Weasley × Corbett GauntWhere stories live. Discover now