Chapter 11 - The Weasleys

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Garreth's POV

"I'm gonna go in and will speak with them first before just bringing you inside. I'm SURE it'll be fine, but to be safe, just wait here. I'll be back soon!" Parting from Bett, I can feel my nerves suddenly creeping in. Please be okay with her staying here!!!! I was serious when I said I'd rent us a place if they said no, but I don't want that for her. I want my family to accept be excited to have her... to have her know a loving home.

Entering the front door, I quickly locate my parents both sitting by our small fireplace. Mom knitting and Dad reading the daily profit. "Garreth, honey!" Mom quickly jumps up to give me a hug and kiss first. "We weren't expecting you back yet! Did you have fun at Hector's?"

"Umm about that...I didn't exactly go to-"

"GARRETH!" Bennett tackles me from behind. "How's my baby bro doing?!" He pulls me into a headlock as I punch his gut.


"Bennett! Off your brother!" Mom snaps.

Releasing me I quickly move to the nearest mirror to adjust my hair and fix my clothes. Dammit! I actually worked hard to style it this morning for her. Turning back around I am met with three pairs of eyes looking at me confused.

"Have a date tonight?" Dad jests, but my now red face causes a look of realization to pass over Mom.

"Who is it?! Is it that young lady from Christmas?!" She beams with a hopeful expression.

"Can we all just sit and talk at the table for a minute? I...I need to ask you something." Bennett joins as we walk to the table, clearly curious as to what is going on.

"So what is it, Dear?"

Clearing my throat, I start speaking quickly trying to get everything out in one breath. "I apologize, but I lied to you earlier in the summer. I didn't go to Hectors. I went to Corbett's. Her family is full of Dark Wizards and she's been working to separate herself from them. I was worried about her being alone and wanted to see her. But her father showed up yesterday and hurt her. I couldn't let her stay there for another second so I had her pack her bags and now she's outside waiting to see if she can stay here until term starts up." I take a deep breath as I stare at my parents' faces.

Dad is the first to speak. "What's her name?"

"Corbett Gaunt."

"No." He speaks without hesitation. "Send her somewhere else." His tone is uncharacteristically harsh. What?

My mom looks just as surprised as I do. "Gabriel!" She snaps.

"No, Barbara. I have had interactions with the Gaunt's in passing at the Ministry. We are NOT involving our family with them."

"That girl is not a dark wizard!" She retorts, trying to defend Bett. Mom is always so kind hearted.

Dad's eyes fall on me. "Tell me the truth...has she practiced dark magic?"

I freeze. Do I tell them the truth? "Umm, she has. They force all the children to learn dark magic as soon as their magic starts to appear. She no longer practices, she wants nothing to do with the Gaunt name and hopes to be disowned after graduation."

"Merlin...all their children?!" The heartbreak in my mothers eyes is prominent. "Gabriel, we cannot blame her for acts she was taught so young."

"Even if she isn't a danger... it's dangerous having her around. Do you realize what could happen if it is found out that we are housing her?! Do you know the danger that we could be in...that Mellony could be in?!"

Your Eyes - Garreth Weasley × Corbett GauntWhere stories live. Discover now