Chapter 8 - Cinnamon Cologne

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Corbett's POV

This second term has flown by...I can't believe it's already April! I take a seat in the transfiguration courtyard enjoying the spring weather. It's finally warm enough for me to start practicing my patronus again.

"Nervous for today?" A sweet voice cuts into my ears.

"Hello Poppy." I deliver in my default emotionless voice. My holiday with Garreth was a fluke experience.

I am not exposing myself like that again...I can't.

I thought I wanted to understand these feelings and be open to letting him in, but it was terrifying. As soon as Hector returned everything became jumbled. I didn't know how to act around anyone any more...

Opening myself up to Garreth meant opening myself up to those around us too. I was too vulnerable... too exposed.

Hector almost saw my mask down. He almost saw a part of myself that I don't want shown to someone I don't fully trust. Being alone with Garreth, it was easy to relax, but it was just a fantasy. A dream where it was just the two of us.

Reality woke me back up as soon as our friends mask returning with them.

"Why would I be nervous?" I ask for clarification from the short haired girl.

"Ominis said you are all facing the Boggart in DADA today."

"Yes, we are going to be, but I'm not nervous to face my fear. I am fairly confident I know what it will appear as so I have been preparing."

"Of course YOU wouldn't be nervous." Sebastian's voice cuts in from behind me.

"Are you?" Poppy asks, bringing her attention to him.

"Of course I am! I'm normal so the idea of facing my biggest fear is clearly terrifying!"


So I suppose that means I'm not normal... I'm a 'freak'

Shaking my head to rid my thoughts I stand and grab my bag. "Coming Sebastian?" I ask the freckled faced man.

"Yeah, let's get it over with."

Making our way into the classroom I realize just how quiet it is. Everyone really is nervous. Looking at the back row I see Garreth throw me a small wave, but his normal big grin isn't there. Instead his eyes are laced with fear.

Oh no. I don't want to see him scared.

Passing by my seat I go up to the top row and wrap my arms around his shoulders softly. We haven't hugged since the holiday...but seeing him like this, I just want to comfort him. "It's going to be okay. Whatever it appears as isn't real." I whisper into his ear as I hold him for a few more seconds. His hands move up to rub my arms and I once again feel a spark of what I felt when I was with him over the holiday.

Pulling away, I see his normal smile has appeared. Good.

"Thanks, Bett." He says softly as I return to my seat in front of him.

"Why the hell do you look fine, Blondie?!" Imelda snaps next to me. I just shrug my shoulders, not wanting to explain myself again. "Pfft, you are a freak of nature, girl."


Shaking my head again at my thoughts, I pull out my book and read for a few minutes before Hecat comes out of her office and summons a giant wardrobe to the front of the room.

"Good morning all, I hope everyone slept well last night and is ready for the challenge ahead." I focus on her short speech as she re-explains the counter charm and what feeling you need to invoke to correctly cast it. This should be simple enough. "We will be going down the room by each row, one at a time."

Your Eyes - Garreth Weasley × Corbett GauntWhere stories live. Discover now