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" I'm ready to go already " I spoke over the phone to my mom applying my lotion.

" So how is it so far? " She asked.

" I don't like the vibe here " I replied spraying some perfume.

" Where are you going right now?" She asked.

" I guess their taking me to enroll in school " I shrugged.

" I was able to arrange something I got your car on the way to you, so you won't have to ask them for a ride " She told me.

" Really?! thanks mom " I said.

" If you need anything let me know I'll be able to arrange something " She said.

" If you need money let Grandma know she got you " She added.

" Okay ma " I said.

" I have to go now, I love you, be good " She said.

" I love you too " I replied before the phone hung up.

I put on my Dior sandals and grabbed my purse heading downstairs with everybody else I felt Serenity mugging me I looked at her she rolled her eyes looking away.

" Everybody ready? " Dad asked.

" Let's go " He said heading out the front door we followed I hopped into the second row of the suburban waiting for everybody else to get into the SUV.

" This is so lame why can't me and Rell drive to school? " Serenity complained.

" When yall learn how to act that's when yall can start back driving until then yall will not be going anywhere school and home that's it " Porsha replied pulling out of the driveway.

" Dad you really about to let her take the cars from us? " Serenity asked.

" You heard what your mama said " He replied blankly.

" I'm so fucking pissed " Serenity mumbled.

" What did you just say? " Porsha looked at her through the rearview mirror.

" Nothing mother " Serenity rolled her eyes typing on her phone.

" Keep on Serenity " Porsha told her.

" Ren what did I tell you about wearing little ass shorts and crop tops that show your whole world to school? " Porsha added.

" Oh my god! leave me alone you really trying to piss me off " Serenity rolled her eyes

" I wear a crop top and shorts and suddenly it's the end of the fucking world " Serenity mumbled.

" SERENITY! " Dad finally spoke.

" Keep on lil girl what I tell you bout that wanna be grown shit? " Dad added Serenity stomped her feet and rolled her eyes.

" Fuck my life " Serenity mumbled typing on her phone.

We drove for about 15 more minutes until we pulled up to a school. I looked out the window eyeing the school It was very big there was students everywhere it seemed like a very diverse school.

The car stopped at the car rider line Serenity hopped out of the car quickly slamming the door on Rell and joined a group of girls that seemed to be waiting for her. Rell got out of the car after her plugging his air pods into his ear.

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