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" who is that ? " I heard girls whisper from behind me as I searched the hallway for my class it was quiet and cold in the halls I guess everyone was already in class

" aye ? " I heard one of the girls call from behind me

" unt unt girl don't call her name she got a lil attitude " the other spoke

" excuse me ! " I heard again I turned around and looked at them

" yes ? " I said turning around furrowing me eyebrows at them

" you Ren sister ? " she asked making a stank face with her hand on her hip

" no, I'm Aaeriel " I replied turning back around and walking

" leave that girl alone " Her friend said as I walked away

I finally found the classroom I took a deep breath before knocking on the door

The door swung open The loud class got quiet my anxiety started to kick in everyone stared I ignored them and walked over to the teachers desk the classroom slowly got louder as everyone continued their conversations .

" Hi! I'm Aaeriel this is my first day I'm new to the class " I introduced myself to the teacher.

" Well Welcome! I'm Mrs. White your Algebra teacher welcome to the school " She introduced herself reaching out to shake my hand .

" right now were just having a chill day so you can just have a seat anywhere " She told me

" Okay " I replied turning around looking at the classroom I noticed an empty seat in the back od the class there was a group of boys and girls I made my way back there and sat down gaining stares from the group "

" She bad " I heard one of the boys whisper.

" mhm I wonder what perfume that is " one of the girls asked looking up from her phone popping her gum.

" Excuse me " I heard behind me I continued scrolling on my phone.

" Excuse me " I heard again then felt a tap on my shoulder I took my air pod out and turned around.

" yes? " I said.

" Girl I was just tryna tell you that your lace is laiddddd who did it? " She asked.

" oh, thank you, I did it myself " I smiled.

" You do hair or something? " She asked.

" No I only do my hair " I responded.

" Oh okay, well I'm Lani these my best friends Jass & Aliriya " She spoke.

" Just call me Lira " Aliriya spoke.

" I'm Aaeriel " I introduced myself.

" Girl where you from, you don't sound like you from here " Jass said.

" It's giving very much Chicago vibes " Lira added.

" I'm from Chicago " I laughed.

" ouuuu do you know King Von and Durk? " Lani asked.

" They follow me on Instagram " Lira said sticking out her tongue.

" Nah " I lied.

" Is this your first day? " Jass asked.

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