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" so , you have kids ? " I asked him as he unlocked the door to his apartment .

" Hell nah I ain't got no kids " He replied opening the door to the apartment it was clean and it smelled good .

" ooouu this is niceeee , I need one of these" I gasped as I walked into the living room area . He chuckled taking off his jacket and then going to the kitchen . 

" you want some to drank ? " He asked from the kitchen .

" I'm good " I replied taking off my sandals and sitting on the couch . Seconds later he came into the living room and joined me .

" how you felt bout that restaurant I picked? " He asked picking up the remote and turning on the TV .

" it was nice , the food was good " I replied

" you like the apartment ? " he asked laying onto the couch and laying his head on my lap .

" yesss , this is sooooo cute how do you afford this ? " I asked looking around

" shiddd , that dope money ain't no joke" he told me leaning down and playing with my feet .

" oh okayyy , you decorated this so nicely though this really is cuteeeeee " I dragged the apartment was almost white and white is one of my favorite colors.

" I appreciate it , I don't let a lot of people in my crib you different " he told me rubbing my thighs suddenly he started rubbing all over my body .

We started kissing it was an intense kiss .

He unzipped my bodysuit and I took off his shirt and pants . We just undressed each other until we were both naked .

" lay on yo back I want to see face" He spoke in a low deep voice . pulling me onto the end of the couch . He got on his knees and spreaded my legs , he started kissing all over my body .

" just stick it in " I told him pulling him closer to me with my legs .

He put half of it in and I stopped him

" wait "

" I'm not ready " I added


" girl spill the fucking tea what's up with you and Pooh ? " Lani asked as we walked out of chipotle . We looked both ways before crossing the street and got into the car

" you mess with Pooh ? Oh my goddd he is so sweet that's my brotherrr he good for you " Jass chimed in instantly opening her chipotle bowl and eating it .

" this bitch so high " Lira laughed starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot

"but what happened, did you fuck him?" Lani asked taking a bite out of her burrito .

" No , we went on a date " I told her
looking down at my phone coincidentally I got a text from him at the same time .

" awwww , where y'all went ? " Lira asked

" girl some fancy ass restaurant, I don't even remember the name " I told her

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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