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" I'm going back there with them I don't care " Lira spoke as we made our way through the crowd Von and Durk had just finished performing

" I'm going to the car my feet hurting " Lani whined as we made our way into the girls bathroom 

 " y'all going to the car already? I want to go find King Von he backstage " Lira said 

" y'all think we can sneak backstage?  " Jass asked 

" We bout to try to, when I said I'm leaving with von I meant that " Lira laughed fixing her hair in the mirror 

" Nah I'm not going backstage these heels got my feet hurting " I said 

" Exactly, y'all can go backstage me and Riri want to go to the car, meet us there when y'all finished " Lani spoke and I nodded agreeing 

" okay, everybody got they location on? " Lira asked 


" what's taking these bitches so long? " Lani spoke as we sat in the car waiting on them 

" We on the second wood " she added 

" Call them " I said hitting the wood scrolling on Instagram. She pulled out her phone and called but it went to voicemail

" No answer " she said sighing 

" How do you like it down here so far? " Lani asked me 

" It's cool. I still miss my hometown and I kind of miss my old life " I spoke thinking about my past 

" Why did you move here, you never told us what happened " Lani said hitting the wood 

" Girl it's a longgggg story we'll be here for days if I told you the half " I replied 

" I got nothing but time " She smiled 

" But no really you seem like you been through a lot, just want to get to know you a little more since were friends now " She added

" I have been through a lot and it's not easy for me to open up to new people " I explained 

" Have you talked to anybody? like a therapist " She asked 

" Nah, got out of juvie and came straight here " I told her 

" You were in juvie? " She gasped 

" Yep, for forever it seemed like " I said 

" Well, I want to know about what you've been through I love hearing people's stories " She replied. 

I sighed because opening up to people isn't easy for me and I've never really talked about all of my trauma and the things that I've been through at such a young age 

" I've been shot, I've been pregnant I've been to juvie I've dealt with rappers, I've dealt with gangs, I've dealt with fake bitches just about anything bad that can happen to a person I've been through it " I told her 

" really? you've been shot? by who " she questioned 

" Some hating ass bitches wanted me gone " I said 

" and you were pregnant ? " She asked 

" yes " I nodded 

" so you have kids ? " She raised her eyebrows 

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