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" Bitch your ass look fatttt in that outfitttttttttt" Lani dragged smacking my ass.

" Ouch bitch, but you like it the heels match perfect " I smiled spinning around.

We were at our club getting ready to dance and make our money I had on a pink 2-piece outfit with some clear platform heels and my pink wig was 40'.

"BITCH GUESS WHO JUST WALKED IN! " Lira yelled coming into the dressing room .

" Who ?!?! " Chettah another stripper asked spinning around in her chair.

" KING VON , DURK , HIS HOMIES , I THINK I SEEN POLO G . ALL THE CHICAGO NIGGAS OUT  THERE AND THEY WALKING IN WITH BAGSSS OF MONEY GET YALL ASS OUT HERE NOW ! " Lira yelled hurrying out of the dressing room making all of the girls scramble around the room.

" I think I'll sit this one out " I told Lani rubbing my perfume oil on my wrists.

" girl are you crazy? The money is out the fuck side get up! " Lani said grabbing my hand making me stand up.

" okayyy " I dragged I grabbed my weed pen and hit it 5 times I fixed my hair and looked in the mirror and walked out the dressing room.

I took about two shots to loosen up, but they hadn't kicked in yet. The club was packed because it was another rapper birthday I vibed to the music as we walked through the club. A lot of dudes were catching my eyes.

We walked to the section, and it was a big section a lot of dudes throwing money, smoking and drinking. Some were rapping the music playing and bitches were throwing ass I looked over and peeped Lira twerking in Von's face as he hit the blunt, slapped her ass and rapped the music playing. His hat was covering his face, but I could tell It was him because his grills were glowing.

I rolled my eyes and looked for another dude that was throwing the most money. I walked over there and danced on him moving 1 of the other girls out the way. 

I glanced and peeped that it was Chief Keef. I twerked Infront of him with the other girl while he threw the money. I hit a handstand twerking in his face using the couch for support He eventually shoved money in my thong.  I could tell it pissed Diamond off since she always wants to get all of the money. 

I finished dancing and watched security sweep up our money and put it in the bags for us I walked off and other girls instantly walked up to dance on Chief Keef.

"bitch where you been, Durk and his homies throwing all the money " Jass spoke loudly over the music.

" Over there with Keef, girl your nipple out " I told her fixing her top for her. 

" oh shit . this shit too lit tonight " She laughed. 

" Come on we going over there with Von " She grabbed my hand and led me to Von and his homies Lani was still twerking on him there were several girls dancing Infront of him, Durk and his homies including Lani.

I walked over near Von and started dancing infront of him moving Lira out of the way slightly. He threw a lot of money suddenly I wasn't shy anymore . 

We danced for a while until we got bored and looked for the someone else throwing a lot of money. I walked to another rapper section that was also popping and danced there. I could feel the liquor kicking in . 

My head started spinning a little, but I kept my composure The club was about to get ready to close so I kept twerking to make more money . 

I felt eyes on me, but I brushed it off, I still felt eyes on me minutes later, so I finally looked up and my eyes widened. I saw Porsha and her homegirls In the section she was eyeing me taking sips out of her cup . 

I instantly scrambled picking up money throwing it into my bag and leaving out of the section I hurried towards the dressing room but as I was rushing I bumped into him we stared at eachother for about 30 seconds until he finally spoke. 

" What yo name is? " Von asked looking down at me, I tried to hide the shock. 

" Cinnamon " I stated giving him my stripper name . 

" let me get yo number Cinnamon " He said stepping closer to me . 

" I don't have time sorry " I told him before walking off and rushing to the dressing room. 

I rushed to the bathroom and held my hair as I threw up into the toilet . 


" That shit was litttt " Jass dragged as we counted the money and split it for the night. The club was closed and all of us were tired and ready to go home .  

" yesss It was soooo much money " Diamond dragged .  

" I seen you over there with King Von the whole night, what yall got going on " Judy another dancer said to Lira . 

" that's my mannnn " Lira smiled counting the money  .

" How long yall been together?  " Diamond asked .  

" Damn you nosey, we not really together but we been talking " Lira stated .  

" I got bruises on my knees I'm going home and taking me a hot bath " Lani blurted changing the subject . 

I remained quiet thinking about tonight. Porsha saw me dancing and she knows I'm underage and she will tell my father. I tried not to stress it 

I put my stacks in rubber bands and put them into my bag I pulled my hoodie over my Head and put on my joggers and slides.

" I'll see y'all later I'm tired " I spoke lowly grabbing my keys 

" alright, drive safe boo " Lani said hugging me I said bye to the other girls before exiting the dressing room I paid the house fee before walking to my Benz. 

I got in the car and just sat in silence 

" What the fuck happened tonight " I spoke to myself replaying the night over in my head.

" He didn't even notice me " I thought starting the engine and driving off 


I unlocked the house door and walked into the house. I peeped into the garage and noticed Porsha and my dad's cars were gone. I grabbed a water bottle and jogged upstairs . 

I walked into my room and grabbed my safe out of the closet. I unlocked it and put the money in there and put it back into the closet. I walked into my bathroom and turned on the hot water I got naked and hopped into the shower 


After my shower I rubbed lotion all over my body and threw on my pink bonnet I put on my robe and walked out of the bathroom. I picked out a dress to wear to my hair appointment tomorrow. 

I got into bed and turned on Scandal suddenly I wasn't tired anymore. I picked up my phone and checked my notifications. I noticed I had a few messages on Instagram I opened the app and read the messages one of them were from Liyah.

liyahdabarb : Lol you stripping now ?  

I ignored her message and went to look at Vons Instagram he had posted pictures. 

" he sexy " I spoke in my head scrolling through the pictures one more time before clicking off of Instagram 

I put down my phone and watched Scandal until I dosed off and went to sleep. 


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