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" I was so nervous girl, I never danced Infront of nobody that exposed " I told Lani over the phone.

" Girl I'm sure you got the job, my auntie said she liked you " Lani spoke. 

" I ho- " I started but was cut off by knocking on my room door. 

" Hold on Lani Imma call you back " I told her before hanging up I got up from the bed and opened the door and was met with Ren. 

" yes? " I spoke as she stood there. 

" If you bring them Opp ass bitches near this house again. I swear to God " She spoke. 

" If I do what will happen " I scoffed. 

" you're so stupid they don't even like you, you just met them, and you want to bring them where you lay your head at " she said. 

" I wouldn't trust them bitches if I were you, they're only talking to you to get to me anyway. are you actually that dumb? " She continued. 

" Ren please get the fuck away from my room " I responded dryly. 

" I see why you always have near death experiences, too close to people you don't know, just dumb " she mumbled walking away from my room.

" I see why your mom and dad hate you , you annoying as fuck " I said making her turn around 

" hate me ? keep speaking and I'll make sure you get sent off to foster care somewhere, we don't want you here if you haven't noticed already orphan " She said back

" keep speaking and ill make sure I turn your whole life upside down while I'm here " I shot back at her 

" Try it " she said walking away. 

" Ren if you want to fight, we can " I called after her she went into her room and slammed the door I went back into my room and closed the door.  


"  I miss Chicago " I thought as I sat in my car and hotboxed I vibed to the music for about 30 minutes until I got a text from my dad telling me to come in the house 

" I guess Porsha cooked some nasty ass food " I spoke to myself spraying perfume on my clothes to try to mask the marijuana smell.

I got out of the car and walked into the house. Dad was at the Table Porsha was making the plates I sat at the separate end of the table and scrolled on my phone.  

" Ren and Rell get down here ! " She called upstairs Rell came down shortly after 

" Ouuu spaghetti my favorite " Rell said sitting down as Porsha put the plates of food on the table . 

" REN GET DOWN HERE NOW ! " Porsha yelled upstairs again . minutes later I heard her room door open 

" I DONT WANT THAT SHIT LEAVE ME ALONE " Ren yelled from upstairs It was silence for a minute 

" You better get her cause If i go up there im going to hurt her " Porsha said to dad blanky 

" REN GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW ! " Dad yelled making Ren stomp down the stairs 

" what , why do I have to eat down here I want to eat in my room " Ren complained standing on the bottom step 

" Sit down Ren " Dad spoke calmly 

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