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" Yessss , he said he taking me on a date and everything " Lira grinned she was telling us about her and Von.

" So y'all a thing orrrr ? " Jass asked taking a sip from her drink.

" We're taking things slow right now, we want to get to know each other more before we put a title on it " She explained to us.

" Just be careful girl, he's an upcoming rapper and he getting bigger day by day there's going to be plenty of hoes throwing they self at him " Lani told her.

" That's true " I nodded in agreement.

" And he stay in Chicago so y'all would be long distance, right? " Lani questioned.

" Yeah, but we getting an apartment in Atlanta, so I can stay with him and go to his shows when he blow up more. I love him that's my mannnnnn " She dragged putting on some lip gloss.

I decided to be quiet about me and Von's past relationship. I can tell Lira really likes him. And I haven't spoken to him in nearly a year I don't know him anymore. He doesn't even remember me and that's probably for the best. Plus, I'm trying to move on from my old life.


" Heyyyy brotherrr " Jass spoke side hugging one of the dudes as we walked through the BNB.

It was a lot of dudes and a couple of girls it was just a small kickback.

We walked over to one of the couches and sat down. Everyone was just vibing to the music that was playing.

I unlocked my phone and went to twitter and scrolled then I took a sip out of my cup and suddenly I felt eyes on me. I looked up and seen the boy from school. I stared back until he looked away.

A few seconds later he got up and walked towards me. My eyes followed as he got closer. He stood behind me and leaned towards my ear.

" Come outside " He whispered in my ear before walking off I did a slight smile before Lani tapped me, raised her eyebrows at me and did a low laugh.

" I'll be back " I told her before getting up from the chair and walking towards the door. I stepped outside and he was waiting at the bottom of the steps.

" yes ? " I spoke standing on the top step .

" Why you acting shy come here " He said I rolled my eyes walking down to the bottom of the steps. I could see an iced-out chain, a lot of tattoos and some very pretty eyes and white teeth.

" What yo' name is ? " He asked sizing me up and down .

" Aaeriel , what's yours? " I asked.

 " Pooh " He told me, I've heard about him, but I actually never seen his face he always had on a ski mask every time I saw him. Then I thought about it he was the boy at the door the first day I moved here.

The longer I stood next to him, the more I wanted him.

" You heard me? " He asked snapping me out of my mini daydream .

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