Chapter 19 - Haven't I Seen You Somewhere Before?

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 Chapter 19 - Haven’t I Seen You Somewhere Before?

After my tournament we drive to Niagara Falls with plans to spend our next two days there. The highlight of our trip to the Falls happens just after we get checked into our room. We decide to go through a very scary Haunted House called Scares N' Dares. Unbelievably my mom ends up freaking out when we get locked into a dark, little room. She's so scared that she screams a magic word so that one of the ghost-guys will come and help her to leave early through a chicken exit. They even add her on to their chicken list. We laugh all the way back to our hotel room; of course we plan to never let her live it down.

The next morning we drive five and a half hours to Albany, New York. My family checks into a hotel that is close to the school. My parents and my brother are scheduled to attend a tour of the university in the afternoon. They drop me off at the dorms where I will spend the next two days and nights with Alex. Coach Taylor wants me to attend the pregame warm ups and hang out with the team as much as possible over the next two days. 

When I get to Alex’s room, I knock but there’s no answer. I drop my knapsack down between my feet and text her. She sends me a text back telling me that she is sorry but she’s running a little late and will meet me in about five minutes. I lean against the wall, just to the side of her door and decide to text Kate while I’m waiting.

“Hey haven’t I seen you somewhere before?” asks a familiar male voice.

I look up and standing right in front of me is Trace looking even more gorgeous than I remember.

Holy! I can't believe he is the first person I run into. He looks so good too, but I don't get to look for long because draped over Trace’s shoulder is a stunning brunette who is staring at me with an evil eye. I stare back at her for a second puzzled by her instant dislike for me. Our staring contest is broken when Trace steps between us effectively blocking her from my sight. Instead my eyes land on those grass green eyes of his. Oh my. I've forgotten just how mesmerizing those green eyes of his can be.

“Hey haven’t I seen you somewhere before,” he repeats with a smirk.

"Yeah that’s why I don’t go there anymore.” I smirk right back at him.

Trace laughs and shakes his head, “Ohhhhh… I’m hurt, so if it isn’t The Rookie – Hey, good comeback. I’m glad to see that you’re just as feisty as ever.”

“Hi Trace,” I say trying to act casual, even though for some reason my heart feels like it is running a marathon. I forgot how handsome he is. His dark wavy hair is longer than the last time I saw him, but it still looks good. He is wearing a black button down shirt with faded black jeans over black cowboy boots – the man in black. I have to force myself to look away and stop staring at him.

“So Karissa, what are you doing here?” he asks.

“Nice to see you to,” I say as I raise my eyebrows. At least he remembered my name.

The brunette starts rudely pulling on Trace’s arm, saying that they have to go to class or they'll be late. I notice that she is wearing a very mini miniskirt. Like we're talking almost nonexistent.

Trace turns to the girl who he calls Morgan and tells her to go ahead without him, but Morgan refuses to leave and insists on waiting for him. She is clinging to his arm and I watch as Trace firmly pulls his arm from hers and once again suggests that she go ahead to class. When she still refuses, Trace gets angry and slowly explains, "Look Morgan this is an old friend of mine and I want a minute to talk to her privately." 

Morgan stands there staring at Trace for a minute, before she finally agrees, “Okay Ace, but don’t be long. I’ll get us some good seats,” she promises and then give him a sexy smile before she finally starts to walk away. She looks back over her shoulder three times, before she disappears down a flight of stairs.

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