Chapter 18 - Goodbye Earl

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Chapter 18 - Goodbye Earl

The end of February brings snow, lots and lots of snow and with it we get four snow days. Normally this would be cause for celebration, but it's the last thing I want right now. It just makes the days drag on forever, with nothing but time to think. When we do have school, the teachers pile on the homework. When I'm not doing schoolwork, I have hockey, but so much snow is causing havoc even with my hockey schedule. Some of my hockey games and practices have been cancelled. When we do get a hockey game in, it usually entails long car rides with lots of time to think. All I can think about is Landon and Angeli. Together. Kissing. Touching. Ah... I feel so betrayed and hurt. I know that technically we were broken up, but it doesn't matter. He made out with one of my best friends the same day he broke up with me. Who does that?

With four snow days, we've only had six days of school in the past two weeks. In those six days, I see Landon at school a lot, but I try to avoid him whenever possible. Even still, he is never too far from my thoughts. That's because the jerk broke my heart. As much as I avoid him, he goes out of his way to find me. He sits up in the stands at my volleyball games and cheers whenever I make a good play. He stares at me all through English, which thankfully is our only class together. He eats lunch at our lunch table, though I usually eat quickly and then take off to the library or the gym. On those days that he finds me, I just find somewhere new to hide out.

He tries to talk to me, but I walk away. If he follows, I walk into the girl's washroom or the girl's change room and wait it out, until he finally gives up and leaves. He sends me text messages all the time. I haven't answered any of them, but that doesn't deter him. He'll send me messages that say things like, "Good Game Kare! Pleez 4give me," or "Gr8 answer in English. Pleez 4give me." He even attempted poetry, "Roses r red, violets r blue, so is the sky and so am I :o( Pleez 4give me." It was lame, but it made me smile.

Every day I find a note from him in my locker. His notes say things like: "Kare, I miss playing ping pong with you. Please forgive me, Landon," or "Kare remember when we went to Toronto and we had such a great day? I miss you. Please forgive me, Landon."

As much as Landon seeks me out, Angeli avoids me like the plague. I haven't spoken to her since finding out two weeks ago. I have given her many death-stares though. Apparently Kate let her know in no uncertain terms, that I knew everything and we both no longer wanted her as a friend. She was told that she was no longer welcome at our lunch table and that if she came anywhere near me, Kate would rip her eyes out - just another reason why I love Kate.

I'm angry and I'm hurt, but as time goes on, I find that I miss the way things use to be. Maybe Landon is wearing me down. I don't know. I've had a lot of time to think and I realize that I'm not perfect either. After all I never told him about Trace. Not that there was anything to tell, but why didn't I tell him about Trace? It's funny but the more I try to stay angry at Landon, the more I find things about him that I really miss. I miss how easy it was being with him and how easily he could make me laugh. I miss his grey eyes that turn blue and his blue eyes that turn grey. I miss his big warm hands and his clean soapy smell. Ah... enough already, he's a jerk. Every time I start to think too much about Landon, I end up picturing him with Angeli. Then it feels like someone has rammed a barbed-wire fence post through my heart all over again.

In the past two weeks I haven't been to any parties and thankfully I haven't heard that Landon has either. Last weekend I had a rare Saturday night with no hockey. Kate talked me into going to a movie with her, Matt and Rob. I wasn't the best company though. I don't like going out with the three of them because Kate gets glued to Matt, leaving me paired up with Rob, which makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm sure that I bored poor Rob to tears.

I have one major thing going in my favor right now. We are heading into our school break. This means one whole week of not having to see Landon or Angeli. My whole family is going to my tournament this weekend and then we are taking the rest of the week to have a family holiday. We are going to go to Niagara Falls for a couple of days and then we are heading to Tanner University so my parents can meet my coach and take a tour of the university. 

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