Chapter 25 - Double Trouble

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Chapter 25 - Double Trouble

I still can’t believe that I asked Landon to the prom. I don’t regret asking him; I just don’t know where I got the nerve to do it. I hadn’t planned it. It just kind of popped out. Looking back now, I think I did it because earlier that day Rob had asked me to go to the prom with him. It made me realize that everyone was starting to pick they’re dates for prom. What if someone else had asked Landon? I like to think that he would have said no, but I’m glad I didn’t take the chance to find out. Whenever I’ve thought about the prom it has always been Landon that I pictured myself going with. I know now that there isn’t anyone else that I would rather go with.

After we talked at the park, it was as if a giant load of concrete bricks had been lifted off my shoulders. Finally we let everything go. We weren’t mad at each other anymore and we weren’t sad anymore. We were back to our old selves. We could joke and laugh with each other again. We stopped dwelling on all the mistakes we've made and instead have started to enjoy the time we have left.

Now it’s like we are making up for lost time. We are inseparable. We go everywhere together and spend every spare second with each other. If we're not together then we are talking on the phone or texting each other. We make our friends sick with our constant cuddling. After school we take our separate buses home and then after dinner Landon usually comes to my house to hang out. He likes it better at my house because it’s always so crazy with his twin sisters at his place. He insists that we would never get any alone time there. However, today after school, we are going to his house for dinner. His mom is going out and wants Landon to make dinner for his brother and sisters.   

I get to my locker at the end of the school day and actually manage to open my temperamental lock on my second attempt. I have been in an amazingly good mood ever since Landon and I talked. When I have the books I need for homework, I close up my locker and wait for Landon.

After a short time, I see him coming down the hall carrying his knapsack and talking to Yanik. They are having an animated discussion about some film that they both love. Landon gives me a big smile and keeps arguing his point to Yanik. Without stopping his debate he leans in and gives me a quick kiss and says, “Hey Kare.” Then he opens my locker. He keeps right on talking away to Yanik as he waits for me to switch out my books. When he sees I'm not moving, he finally puts a stop to the debate long enough to ask what's up. I explain that I already switched out my books. 

"You got your lock open?" He asks, looking downright dumbfounded.

"Yep, I did." I tell him proudly.

He seems impressed, but then mentions that it only took me three quarters of the school year to figure out how to open my own locker. I whack him in the arm as he laughs. When he goes to close up my locker, I push him out of the way and do it myself. I tell him that I no longer need his help. He just laughs harder as he takes my knapsack from me and places it on his shoulder with his own. He then grabs hold of my hand and tugs me down the hallway as he resumes his argument with Yanik.

In between the points he’s trying to make, he asks me if we're still planning on going to his house. When I nod, he says, “Good because tonight's the night my mom wants me to look after the rats.”

He knows I already know this. He is just checking. As much as everything seems like it's back to normal we are still a little tentative around each other. Things are definitely getting much better though. The fact that we are going to Landon’s house means that we are going on Landon’s bus, which Yanik is also on. They continue their debate on which Quinton Tarantino movie is the best as we board the bus and head to the back seats. After I am seated, Landon hands me my knapsack. He and I sit together and Yanik sits sprawled out in the seat beside us. Landon puts his arm around me and every now and then he will say, “Right Kare?”

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