she's mine...

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An pov
It's been 1 year. Taehyung's feeling for yn become more strong. He want to make her his. He himself don't know how she became so important for him. He love her but she don't feel anything for him so he is trying make her fall in love with him. And today is someone planing to propose her. I will not tell you his name you get to know later. Aera have feelings for eun woo and got to know about yn that she is Taniya's best friend she became the friend of Yn too. But firstly she become sad as she thought Taniya is her best friend

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In Taehyung room

Here our bad boy is selecting his clothes for himself as he want to impress his love

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Here our bad boy is selecting his clothes for himself as he want to impress his love. He is smiling like an idiot while thinking about his girl.
Taehyung pov
What I should wear. This will look good, no this one .aaahh  this is fucking hard to select I was thinking what I should choose then someone call me from behind as I looked behind I frozzed on my spot cause I saw yn in red outfit. She came towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck and said
Yn: what happened? What are you doing?
Taehyung: I was selecting outfits to wear but I'm confused.
Yn: that's it? (Chuckle) let me help you in it.
Then she went towards bed and started finding outfit for me. She chosed something and came towards me and said
Yn: Tae wear this you will look good in it. As it loose and comfortable for you.
Taehyung: as you say love. He said while taking that outfit.
Yn: go and change.
Taehyung: first give a kiss baby.
Yn: ok but close your eyes
He did as she said
Suddenly his phone started to ring he open his eyes and saw no one was there. He than realised that it was a dream. He looked on bed saw the outfit which yn choose for him in 'imagination'. He took it and went to change.
He came out and saw himself in mirror and said
Taehyung: she was right it looks perfect and comfortable too.
He then took his bag and went towards kitchen to have his breakfast.

In kitchen

When Taehyung came in kitchen while smiling

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When Taehyung came in kitchen while smiling. His parents saw him. They noticed change in him  like he smiles a lot nowadays, started to talk with them properly, sometimes also help them in their work. When they tried to ask him what happened to him he just said it's nothing. As always he came and sit on his seat then Mrs Kim served his breakfast and asked
Mrs Kim: taehyung can I ask you something?
Taehyung: sure mom
Mrs Kim: do you have girlfriend?
Taehyung chocked his food.
Taehyung: w-what???
Mrs Kim: do you like any girl? If yes then you can tell us we will accept your love?
Mrs Kim in mind: as because of her my child started to smile don't disrespect any girl, spend time with us. Because of her he changed a lot
Taehyung think for sometime and decided to tell them everything
Taehyung: actually mom dad I-I love a girl but didn't get the courage to confess her. He said while looking down as he was nervous.
Mr Kim: really??? (Shocked+ happy)
Taehyung: yes dad ( nervous)
Mrs Kim: who's that lucky girl?
Taehyung: yn Singh
Mr Kim: her name doesn't sounds like Korean.
Taehyung: cause she is Indian. She is my junior.
Mrs Kim: how she looks? do you have any pics of her?
Taehyung: mumma i don't have any? But she is so beautiful and kind but at the same time bold too
Mrs Kim: oh, but I want to see how she looks (sad)
Mr Kim: don't worry about that.
Mrs Kim: what do you mean?
Mr Kim: call your friends for dinner including her and her friends too. Simple
Taehyung: really? ( Shocked)
Mrs Kim: yes, as i want to meet my soon to be daughter in law.(teasing tone)
Taehyung blushed after hearing that
By the way his look

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