can't you forgive me

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An pov
It's got evening Jimin came home. he saw his mother who was putting the plates on the dinning table. He went towards his mother and asked her about Taniya but his mother gave him confused look. She said she was expecting this from him because she thought Yn and Taniya both were with Jimin. He denied and said that they weren't with him. He than call on Taniya's no. But it was switched off so he tried on Yn's no. But same it was switched off too. He than called Jungkook and said
Jimin:- yeah Jungkook is Taniya and Yn both are at your home?
Jungkook:- no bro why what happened?
Jimin:- they both aren't at home even there phone's are also switched off .
Jungkook:- don't worry hyung we will find them wait I'm coming.
Then he cut the call. Jungkook quickly called Taehyung and said
Jungkook:- hyung Taniya and Yn both are missing and even their phone's are also switched off
Taehyung:- what... Who told you that?
Jungkook:- Jimin
Taehyung:-come to Park mansion
Jungkook then cut the call and went to Park mansion.

Yn was slowly getting back to her senses when see opened her eyes properly she found herself in a room being tied on chair

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Yn was slowly getting back to her senses when see opened her eyes properly she found herself in a room being tied on chair. Her eyes went her side Taniya was also tied on chair she was still in unconscious state. Yn tried to move from chair but it was impossible as the rope was too tight she was struggling and calling Taniya's name soon Taniya also get wake up and saw her surrounding. But suddenly door got open and they saw a manly figure there but his face was unable to see because of darkness of room. But when he came in the contact of light Both Taniya and Yn became shocked to see that person. It was Cha Eun woo. He went towards yn and got stand in front of her. His one of man place the chair infront of yn for him to sit. He settled down and looked at yn and he touched her face. She turned her face in other direction.
Eunwoo:- Yn don't be angry sweet heart I know I'm late but see we are going to marry in few hours
Yn:- marriage? And that to with you? (Chuckled) don't day dream
Eunwoo:- I'm not day dreaming sweetheart. This is true and it's good for you if you digest this truth as soon as possible because now no one gonna come between us not even that Kim Taehyung.
Taniya:- shut up Taehyung is not the third person you are the third person who came between them and messed up their lives. Such a rascal you are
Eunwoo:- Calm down sister in law that much anger isn't good for your baby. Control your mouth. if you wasn't Yn's friend then I had killed you with your baby
Yn:- then I burn you alive if you did something to her and her baby.
Eunwoo:- baby don't be angry I will not do anything. But let me inform her husband about her.
He signalled his man to tie cloth on their mouth.
Taniya:- (in mind) do he really think my man is fool he will soon find about us

On the other hand~

On the other hand~

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Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook
Came here and started looking for them in all around the park. Taehyung was walking while here and there but suddenly something came under his foot. He looked towards it and bend down to pick it up. It was someone's phone When he was about to turn it on he got call from Jimin who was searching in parking area.
Jimin:- yeah Taehyung come in parking lot My bike is parked here. It means they hadn't went from here.
Taehyung:- I'm coming
He cut the call and run towards parking area when he reach there he saw Jimin and Jungkook listening on phone he was about to ask but Jimin signalled him not to say anything. He also joined them
Jimin:- hello who are you?
???:- hello~park Jimin searching for your lovely wife right?
Jimin:- who the hell are you and how you know about this.
???:- ( laugh) I'm the who kidnapped your wife and her friend.
Jimin:- (anger) if something happened to them than I will give a very worst and painful death that you have ever imagined got it.
???:- listen I'm not scared of your bullshit. What I wanted I got. My man will safely drop your wife to your home.
Jimin:- what about Yn?
???:- she is mine
When Taehyung heard Yn's name he become furious and left from there
Jimin:- Yo- he cut the call. Jimin than punched on the pillar which was near him. He saw here and there but couldn't find Taehyung. He asked Jungkook but he also don't know then they saw Taehyung coming towards them and said
Taehyung:- let's go.(smirk)
Yn was trying to open her hand's rope but it was freaking tight which caused her hand red and little blood also came from them.

aniya:- stop it yaar why are you hurting yourself.
Yn:- so what you want me to do? Marry with that bustard
Taniya:- I didn't sa-
Eun woo:- sweetheart
he said while coming in room yn rolled her eyes and Eunwoo said
Eunwoo:- make yourself ready as in few minutes we are going to marry you know aish my all works are worth it.
Taniya:- what you mean by that?
Eunwoo:- I was the one who told sana to sleep with Taehyung there wasn't anything happened between them she just give him sleeping pills and that fake photos and videos of you and me was also created by AI but after it will get true. Then I killed Anamika cause she planned to kill yn. Even I killed Aera cause that bitch got to know about our plans and she was going to tell Taehyung all this so i had to send her to god but so sad for sana that she died into an accident
When he said that Yn started laughing and she said while controlling her laugh
Yn:- d-do y-ou really think Sana died in Acci-dent.
She said and again started laughing Eun woo and Taniya got confused and Eunwoo asked
Eunwoo:- what you Mean?
Yn:- I killed Sana (smirk)
Taniya/Eunwoo:- what ???
Yn:- yes how dare she slept with him. She was taking me so lightly. She thought if she sleep with him than she can easily marry him. You only killed Aera not Anamika cause I killed her and her bitchy mother
Eunwoo widened his eyes same goes with Taniya. she wasn't believing what Yn was confessing
Taniya:- yeah s-say you a-are ly-
Yn:- why would I? just untie me once than I'll show my dark side. (Smirk)
Eunwoo was about to say something but before that his one man fell because of the bullet which got into his head which had come from behind. Everyone looked behind and saw Taehyung pointing his gun towards him with Jimin, Jungkook and their man's who has already spread in the room
Eun woo eyes became wide and Taehyung smirked at his reaction
Yn who was just looking at them with an expressionless face.
Eunwoo:- how you came here?
Taehyung:- I have my own ways. You did a huge mistake to take Kim Taehyung lightly
Eunwoo:- yeah what are you looking at is there any drama going here. go and attack
He said to his man's in anger then they all started fighting. In the fight a knife got fell in front of Yn. She started to sliding it towards herself with her legs but suddenly Eunwoo placed his gun at Taniya's forehead
Eunwoo:- yeah if you dare to come I will shoot Taniya. Put you guns down.
They didn't put but than he shout in the air
Eunwoo:-Yeah put your guns down or I'll shoot her
They were about to place the gun when someone shoot his hand everyone looked towards it They saw Yn pointing her gun towards him.
Yn:- I told you.
He was about to held the gun but Yn shoot his arm then she shoot his leg and slowly she killed him.
Jimin untied Taniya she quickly hugged him he crazed her back and he released a relif breath. Taehyung was just looking at Yn whose eyes is blank. She place her gun behind her waist and started moving out from the room but Taehyung held her hand and said
Taehyung:- can't you forgive me

Thanks for reading that's all for this episode and I hope you like it but here we have some readers who don't even vote not even even comment that what's the problem or something. Leave it and thanks for the one who vote my story
Radhe Radhe 🙏😊

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