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Next day
An pov
It's Saturday, yn woke up with a headache. When she properly opened her eyes she found herself in Taehyung's room. Then she heard bathroom door opening sound. She saw Taehyung only in towel. She became shocked and quickly looked in opposite direction. Taehyung saw this and smirked but without saying anything he took his clothes and went inside washroom. Taniya came in his room with lemon water.
Taniya: drink this. You will feel good
Yn: hmm she took it and drink it.
Taniya: who told told you to drink
Yn: i didn't knew it.
Taniya: how will you got to know if your whole concentration will be on phone.
Yn: sorry.
Taniya: fuck your sorry. You even don't know what the fuck you did yesterday.
Yn: (gulp) what I did?
Taniya: you- she was about to say but On that time Taehyung come out from washroom.
Taehyung: morning Taniya (smile)
Taniya: morning Tae (smile)
Yn: morning Taehyung
Taehyung: hmm. He hummed in response and leave from there
Yn felt bad but she ignored it.
Taniya: go and wash your face. We have to go hostel. Taniya said and also leave from there. Then yn got up from bed and went to Washroom she washed her face while thinking about what she had done yesterday and why Taehyung is ignoring her.

Meanwhile in guest room
Taniya pov
i was going downstair but Mrs. Kim stopped me in the mid and passed me lemonade and told me to give this to Jimin. I slowly opened the door and peeked inside but saw no one there I think he is in the washroom.
Taniya: jaldi ja Tanu or yeah glass table pe rakh kar bhag ja. Usse pahle ki vo tujhe dekh le ( Tanu go quickly and put this  glass on the table before he see you) she said this to herself and went inside she went towards table and placed glass on the table. She was about to go but
Jimin: Tanu
When she heard his voice her soul come out from her body.
Taniya in mind: he came, why God why, Tanu run, bhag Jaa.
She ignored it and started walking but Jimin hold her wrist from behind and pulled her towards him. Tanu back crashed on Jimin's hard chest. Jimin wrapped his arms around her. She started struggling in his grip.
Taniya: yeah what are you doing? Leave me.
Jimin: what will you do if I'll not leave you. Huh! He tightened his grip.
Taniya: I will I- will shout. I will call Everyone
Jimin removed his arms from  her waist. Taniya was about to open the door but Jimin is more faster then her he pinned her on the door.
Jimin: do you really think I'm scared of anyone. No girl (smirk)
Taniya: leave me Jimin. Please
Jimin: you know na
Taniya: what?
Jimin: that I love you
Taniya:.......... I don't know
Jimin: you don't know ? Do you literally think I'm fool. ( In  angry tone)
Jimin: (sigh) ok I'll leave you but at one condition.
Taniya: w-what condition?
Jimin: i remembered everything which I said to you yesterday. So
Taniya: so?
Jimin: give me the answer
Taniya: of what?
Jimin: will you marry me and be mine forever? Will be the part of my life. I'll surely give you world's every happiness which you deserve
I really love you and yeah what i said was truth. And I'm not like those boys who only says this I mean it. I don't know how to say but please give me one chance to prove myself. So will you?
Taniya: do you meant Everything which you said yesterday and now?
Jimin: yes I meant every single word which I said to you. So will you make me the part of your life
Taniya: I don't know. I want sometime.
Jimin felt bad but he is ready to give her time. He smiled
Jimin: take your time. He said and kissed her forehead then went from there.
In living room

An pov Everyone is sitting here except yn, Jimin and Taniya

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An pov
Everyone is sitting here except yn, Jimin and Taniya. Jimin came in living room and sit beside Taehyung. After him Taniya also came. Then yn also came and said
Yn: good morning aunty uncle. And sorry for yesterday If I created problems. Really sorry
Mr.and Mrs Kim: morning child.
mr.kim: no need to say sorry child. It's ok
Yn: aunty I think we should take a leave now.
Mrs Kim: and breakfast?
Yn: next time aunty we need to go now. sorry
Mr Kim: it's ok child.
Yn: Taniya chal. She said and hold Taniya's hand
Jimin: I'll drop you guys.
Taniya: no thanks we can go. (Slowly)
Jimin: I'm not asking ok. I'm telling you that you are coming with me.
Taniya: but- yn cut her in between and said
Yn: what's the problem if he'll drop us. By the way thanks bro.
Yn: ok uncle aunty bye. She looked at Taehyung but he didn't even gave her a single glance. Still she said
Yn: bye Taehyung
Taniya: bye aunty uncle and Taehyung Bhai.
Taehyung: bye Tanu
Yn felt bad so she went from there with Taniya.

An pov
When They leave from there Taehyung felt bad. His parents noticed this but before they could say something he went in his room.
In car____
yn and Jimin is sitting in front seats and Taniya sat in back, as she don't want to sit with him. There was fully silent so Jimin decided to broke it
Jimin: yn
Yn: hmm?
Jimin: don't you have to say something?
Yn: about what?
Jimin: yesterday's night?
Yn: ahh I didn't remembered anything I'm sorry if I said something wrong.
Jimin: it's ok I was drunk too
Taniya: yeah you both had losted your minds yesterday
Yn: hmm but can you tell me what I said yesterday? Did I misbehaved with someone?
Taniya: No you were behaved too good yesterday (sarcastically)
Yn: what I did? You are just taunting me but not saying anything
Jimin: leave it was past. As you were drunk so they can understand hmm don't worry.
Time skip___________
He dropped them at hostel and went from there. Taniya and yn went inside their rooms changed their clothes and started doing their work.

Sorry if it's boring. Thankyou for still reading. Thanks for your precious vote.
Radhe Radhe 🙏🏻

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