Taking care of what's mine

603 27 1

An pov
Same day at evening Mr Singh came back home and sat on sofa. Mrs Singh came with glass of water she gave him and he gladly accept it. After drinking water he asked about Yn. Mrs. Singh told him that she is in her room. Mr. Singh nodded he was about to go to his room but Mrs Singh stopped him
Mrs. Singh:- that...
Mr Singh:- say ?
Mrs Singh:- actually Taehyung is he- here
Mr Singh:- Why?
Mrs Singh:- to apologise to Yn
Mr Singh:- and you think our daughter will forgive him? Really???
Mrs Singh:- but he is innocent he did nothing to sana-
Mr Singh:- I know Jungkook already told me all about this.  But it's not easy for our daughter to forget about that you also know how their relationship broked that day but I hope soon it will get over and they'll be together
Mrs Singh became happy after hearing his last sentence. Then Mr Singh and Mrs Singh both went to their room.

In Yn's room
She was working on her laptop with her full focus suddenly she felt a sting pain on her lower stomach and she felt wet so quickly got up from bed, she saw red stain on bedsheet she cursed herself and went towards her cupboard taking out her clothes and pad she went towards wash room after sometime she came back changing herself into a black night dress
When she came back she heard knock on door so she went to opened it and found Taehyung smiling there
Yn:- what ?

Taehyung:- eomma told me to call you for dinner so let's go

Yn:- first of all she isn't your eomma ok and second don't try to get close to my family.

Taehyung:- means I can come close to you? He said smirkingly

Yn:- yo-

Yn's dad:- Yn and Taehyung what are you doing here come let's go or else Mrs.singh will burst on us

Yn went towards dinning area. She even forgot to change bedsheet

Yn's dad:- and you ?

Taehyung:- yes ap- I mean uncle

Yn's dad:- you can call me appa
Taehyung:- it means you forgiven me

Yn's dad:- hmm, but do you think my daughter will forgive you that easily??

Taehyung: I know appa it's not easy to make her agree. But I'll do my best to get her back.

Yn's dad:- let's see what you to make her agree young man

Then they also came and set on chair. Taehyung sat beside yn.

Yn:- yeah there are many seats go and sit somewhere else not here ok

Taehyung:- shut up just eat quietly ok and let me eat too.

Yn:- don't talk to me like that  or else I will beat you

Taehyung:- oh really? You think I'm scared, oh my God Miss yn is going to beat me please help.

Someone save me from this lady Hitler.
He started acting

Yn:- what are you doing? You are looking weird while doing this She said and laughed a little bit. Everyone smiled looking at her
Then they all ate and went to their rooms. When Yn came in her room she realised that she hadn't changed bedsheet she quickly changed it and due to pain she sat on the floor holding her stomach. She got up and started going towards kitchen,  she was boiling water and searching for hot water bag but she heard someone's voice from her back she turned and saw Taehyung there holding water jar
Taehyung:- what are you searching at this time?
Yn:- nothing ahh- ( she held her stomach due to pain)
Taehyung:- yeah what happened?
Yn:- no-
Taehyung:- stop making excuses ok. are you on your periods?
Yn:- hmm
Taehyung:- wait I'm coming
Then he went from there and came back with something in his hand
Yn:- what's this ?
Taehyung:- pain killer take it, it will ease your pain
He said and gave her medicine with water. She took it and consume it. Taehyung found out hot pack so he filled water in it. Then he went away while taking Water jar and hot pack yn was confused that what he is doing then after sometime he came back,Yn was just looking at him she was about to ask him but before she could ask Taehyung picked her in his arms and started going towards room. She widened her eyes and told him to put her down but he ignored it and took her in her room. He carefully placed her on bed and took that hot pack and placed it on her stomach while crazing her hair she was just noticing his every action suddenly she asked
Yn:- why are you doing all this?
Taehyung:- means?
Yn:- why are you taking care of me?
Taehyung:- is it crime to care the person whom we love? I only take care of the things or person who belongs to me
She became silent than she speaks
Yn:- it's not Love Taehyung.
Taehyung:- than what's this?
Yn:- it's your guilt that you are having. yeah you don't love me you just guilty about what you did to me-
Taehyung:- so you still think there was my fault only yn? I'm jealous when you were with Eunwoo, whenever I want to spend some time with you he always came in between us. You always faught with me reason was him. What can I do if I am jealous lover. You said you love me than why didn't you believed me that day yn when I said I am innocent I hadn't done anything to Sana but you didn't believe.
Yn:-you also didn't believed me na Taehyung I also said that photo and video are fake but you didn't believed right?
Taehyung:- for that I'm sorry but you also declared me characterless too. you too believed on what you saw...
Yn was silent she somehow knows that what Taehyung saying is also true she also believed on what she saw.
Taehyung: You rest I'm leaving.
He said and went yn wants to stop him but she can't able too. She closed her eyes and went in beautiful memories of her with Taehyung.
Flashback 1
Yn:- Taehyung I don't know how to express my love but I genuinely love you and want to marry you will you ?
Taehyung:- I too love you and Of course I will

Flashback 2
When Taehyung cooked for her
Yn:- you cooked this ?
Taehyung:- why isn't it's tasty?
Yn:- no it's not like that I'm just thinking you'll be the one who will gonna cook for me after marriage ok?
Taehyung:- (chuckled) of course my lady.
He bowed in front of her.
Than they both laughed together and Taehyung hugged while placing a kiss on her forehead

Flash back 3
When Yn got into an accident and she can't able to walk
In Yn's room
Taehyung was sitting in her room as maids were getting her being ready in washroom. Then maid came back and said
Maid:- sir she is ready
Taehyung:- ok you can leave
Then he went inside and saw her looking towards her legs sadly he went and carried her and said while walking
Taehyung:- don't worry your legs will be fine soon. Till then my queen will walk through my legs.
He than settled her on bed and took ointment in his hand and started applying it on her wounds Yn was looking at him with love. Taehyung looked at her and furrows his eyebrows and asked
Taehyung:- what are you looking at?
Yn:- I'm so lucky to have you Taehyung. God protect you from the evil of the others and mine too cause you are too good. she said while pulling his cheeks.
Taehyung:- abb mein itna bhi khas nhi he said like shinchan
Shinchan be like:- I only have the right to do this ok 😒
Yn chuckled
Flashback end
Yn smiled remembering all the moments with him a drop of tear left from his eyes
Yn:- I also just blamed him. I always called him cheater and said he broked my trust but what I did I also broked his trust even he is trying to get my forgiveness putting his ego aside. I'm being egoistic, if only one person put all the efforts and second one don't even try than all the efforts of that person will go in vein.

In Taehyung's room
Taehyung:- Leave it Taehyung let her live peacefully if she don't want to be with you so you can't force her. If this is in our destiny then accept it but I'll never love anyone except and not allow anyone to come in my life. I will go back to Korea tomorrow and never gonna interfere in her life but with a hope that one day she'll come back to me.
He said and packed his stuff and called his manager Lee to book tomorrow's flight.

Yn's room
Yn:-Taehyung you try to apologise me to get me back now it's my turn to ask for apology. I will not gonna allow anyone to come between us this time. I promise.

Thanks guys for showing this much love to my this ff. I never thought that my ff will be reach 17k view and anyone gonna follow me I'm happy that I have 26 followers thanks 🙏 I hope you'll like it too
Radhe Radhe 🙏

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