Part 9

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I woke up to shakes. I opened my eyes to see Hosea. "What the hell you want?" "You were screaming.. I thought you were dying." "No. I'm cool." "Look you got training in 10 so I suggest you get up. Eric don't like people being late." "Thanks." "A.. I got yo back." Hosea walked through the door and shut it. I got up and walked in the small shower on the side of my room. As I stepped in water poured out the top of the shower and rolled around into the bottom. Steam hit me every five seconds and small lights lit up as the steam came through. I closed my eyes being in heaven. And then once I was finished jumped out. I brushed my teeth and got dressed in the training suit that was in my closet and went to training. When I walked in the room Eric looked at me and nodded and I did the same. Once everyone was there Eric began. "Today you will be learning how to fight in combat. This is very important in your training here at the agency. If you can't fight you can't be an agent! So to began.." At that moment the door opened and in walked in ok looking woman. She sat on the side of the room in a small chair and began writing her notes. "Hello Scarlet" "Hello Eric. Please continue." Then Eric began. "The first step is to analyze your target. You must find your opponent's weakness." Before I knew it I laughed. "What's so funny Loren?" "This bull crap! I mean no offense but in the streets fighting is fighting. You bust a nigga in the face and keep it moving." "Ok. Then fight me." "You sure you want yo ass kicked?" The room filled with ooh's. Eric looked at me and then he beckoned me to come on the mat. I came on the mat and then he got in a fighter's stance. I did the same thing and then he yelled "Fight!" Before I saw it happening he ran across the mat and hit me in certain points of my body. I fell at the pain and then he walked up behind me and put me in a choke hold and then he rolled over me and caused my body to jerk which made the pain worse. Then I tried tensing up but I heard a small "rookie move." He then placed his knee in my back and elevating me up off the ground a little with a choke hold still on me he rolled and crushed me underneath his knees. When he got up I rolled over trying to get air into my lungs. "Your to impulsive, you think everyone is easy and so you don't have to prepare. In this line of work you have to." Eric clapped his hands. "Alright everyone get a partner and let's start working. Loren your mine."

My body ached.. Ok understatement, my body hurt like hell! I laid on the mat looking at Eric who was standing over me, his face fixed with an enthusiastic grin. "Come on! Get up Loren! Face me!! Let's go!!" He yelled and beat on the mat. I rolled over and got up wobbling. My left leg burning like hell, my head pounding like I had to many shots of Patrón and Hennessy. "Ok.." Eric walked over to me and yelled go. We both started moving in our defensive positions. I looked analyzing him for any weakness I could find.. Anything that could be used to knock him down two levels. I looked and searched and then like lighting and he ran and jumped in the air and did a flip kick and knocked me down. I breathed in trying to find air. "Aww! Your a baby Loren! Your a little bastard" At that moment I snapped and got up, energy and adrenaline possessing my body. I ran and jumped on Eric and began punching and hitting him. Each of my punches getting more violent. As I was punching him I slowly started seeing John. He laughed at me and mocked me. And I kept punching until someone grabbed me. I turned around swinging to find Mackenize behind me. Then I turned back to see Eric sitting up, and he spit out blood. "Good job Loren!" I stormed off and as I walked out I punched the glass door and left a huge hole. I swore and grabbed my fist as blood spilled out. "Loren!" I kept waking until I felt a woman's hands on my back. "Loren.." "What!" "Umm.. Are you..." "I'm fine, so get the hell a way from me dammit! Don't touch me or talk to me! I am FINE!" I stormed off and punched more walls until I made it back to my Pod. I opened the door and walked in. Hosea sat at the table with some other Mexican playing cards. "What you looking at nigga?!" "Excuse me." "Um Ricardo this is Loren." "Nice to.." "Yeah, yeah kiss my ass." I walked in my room and slammed the door. I went into the mirror cabinet and pulled out some bandages and disinfectant. I began to clean my wound and bandage my hand. A knock on my door made me growl "WHO IN THE BLUE HELL IS IT!" "It's Mackenize." I opened the door and walked back to the sink. "Look I told you I'm fine. I let you in so you can clean this! So get yo ass over here!" "Loren. I am not some dog, ask nicely or I will leave." "FINE GO!" She stood there and crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes to slits. In that instant I sighed and calmed myself. "I'm sorry. Just please help." She motioned to the bed and I went and sat down. She brought over the supplies and began to treat my wound. "Loren. You have to trust us." I rolled my eyes. "Look I don't know your story but we all have one. And until the day you learn to trust someone other than yourself l, you will always be alone and angry." She began to take the needle and stitch and sow my hand up. I grimaced at the pain but kept a straight face. "Loren. I'm considering you my brother from now on. And I will be here for you.. But you have to learn how to trust." I looked in her eyes and she captured my soul. The same way my mom did when I was little and was angry. At that moment she bandaged my hand and put the supplies up. I stood up and she walked over to me.... And then she gave me a hug. I stood awkwardly as she squeezed and hug me. Then she pulled back and smiled and walked out my room. And I stood there not knowing how to respond.

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