Part 2

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I have never ran so far and fast in my short 16 years of living. My legs burned and my chest demanded that I stop. But I kept running giving my all hoping and praying that I could keep going. Finally I saw the familiar house come into my view. At that moment I stopped and breathed heavily. And then I continued the walk down the street towards the house. After what seemed like two centuries I walked up to the familiar fence. I opened the latch and walked up the drive way. I laughed as I saw my boy Q outside on the porch kissing his girl. As I walked up he smiled and put out his hand to dap me up. "What up nigga?" "What up Q. Caretta." "Hello Loren." "C in there L, gone on in." "Thanks Q." "Fashow." At that moment I opened the screen door and walked into the house. I went upstairs and walked to C's bedroom. I knocked on the door and he opened. "Loren?" "What up Cedric?" I walked in the room and sat in the chair across from the bed. He closed the door and sat down on the bed. "Any..." "My dad shot my mom tonight." At that moment Cedric shook his head and cursed. He looked at me and before I knew it he was up and hugging me. I cried softly as he held me in a hug of brotherhood. "That dumb ass nigga shot my momma! He shot her! The BITCH SHOT HER!" At that moment I broke out of his embrace and slammed my fist into the wall. "Loren.. I'm sorry.." "I shot him to!" "What?!" At that moment I pulled the gun out of my pants and dropped it on his bed. "Yo! My nigga is yo crazy or something! You can't be shooting people! Man what the F..." Before I knew it Cedric had shot out 10 curse words. "Man I had to! That man was crazy!" At that moment Cedric took the gun and put it underneath his bed in a small safe. "Look. If anyone ask.." "I burned the house down. There is no evidence except their bodies." "What about you? The police will come looking for you?" "I don't exist. No one saw me leaving so I'm in the clear." "I hope so. Well look you obviously need a place to stay so consider this your home. Tonight you can sleep up here. I'll see you in the morning." At that moment Cedric walked out the room and shut the door. I turned off the light and laid down. And as I closed my eyes hell met me head on.

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