Part 15**

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The morning went by in a blur. It was the normal routine of getting ready, going to training and then the rest of the day was to myself. I snuck out the agency and bought me some more booze to add to my collection. I snuck back in the agency and walked into my pod. As I did I saw Jose sitting watching the game. " What up padre?" "What up." "Nothing much.. Eric came by looking for you." I swore closing the door. "Don't worry I told him was on a run with one of the agents and you'd be back." "Thanks." At that moment Jose stood up and grabbed my bag. He pulled out the bottle revealing the clear bottle containing Bombay. "Oh. The stuff hey homes.." "Man." "Look I won't tell if you let me hit this." I looked around as if expecting Eric to bust in the room and then I reached down in the bag and pulled out some weed and rolling paper. "Only if you help me smoke this joint." "Deal." With that we were both sitting at his small table drinking Bombay and smoking weed. After we were finished and then I walked in my pod and laid down. I closed my eyes and then I felt cold water being poured over me. I jumped up in shock and got out the bed trying to attack my attacker. I looked speechless as the lights turned on to reveal Eric was the intruder. "Where were you yesterday?" "You mean today?! I just got home!" "No. Yesterday it's 6:30 in the morning." I looked at the small alarm clock by my bed. It's digital screen flashing the lights in bright blue colors. "Look Eric I'm sorry. I got a little drunk last night at a party." "And on the way back did you rob a liquor store?" At that moment he walked over to the cabinet on the other side of the pod. He opened it and I saw the bottles of Alcohol I had in my possession. Vodka, Bacardi, Rum, Bombay, Patron, Moscato, and a lot more. Eric shook his head in disgust and then turned to me. "Lo.." "Loren. I want to show you something. Come with me." He began to walk toward the door and I followed. When he opened the door connecting the pod we walked through and I looked at the table to see the bottle and the weed was gone. I smiled thanking Jose silently for removing the real evidence. We walked down the long hallway and across a bridge and then down a flight a steps to a side of the building I haven't seen. The longer we walked the more I became confused and a little lost. As if he knew this he took a sharp turn and led me to a door at the far end of the hallway we were in. He stopped and opened it and then walked in. I walked into the room full of cabinets and watched as he walked. "In this room we keep files on every agent ever admitted into the agency. We find out there date of birth, where they lived, parents names, and other information." He stopped walking when he got to a small cabinet in the back of the room. He opened it and pulled out a file. He walked over to me and handed it. "Read it." I opened the manilla folder to see a picture of me. I looked down and saw my name, my date of birth, and then my parents names. John Brown and Veronica Harris. As I looked at the names my mind went back to the night not many weeks ago. I looked up at Eric who stood there looking. "Had enough?" "What do you want from me?" "The truth. You see we could find everything on you, some on your mom and a little on your dad. But I can't seem to find out how they died. Or how the house you lived in burnt down." "Man. I'm going to work out." I threw the folder down and walked out the room Eric following me. "Loren. One day you will have to tell your story. We all have them. My wife and daughter was murdered. They were killed by a man I never met nor knew. And to this very day I don't know who killed them. Every night I wake up thinking that she will call me and tell me she's alive... And every night I remember that she's buried in a cemetery not far from here. I have to live with that everyday." He walked over to where I was standing and put his hand on my shoulder. "I was like you, arrogant, cocky, loud mouth. Ready to fight and was damn good at it. But I slowly began to realize that If kept this up soon I would be dead, and no one would be there to help me. Loren I'm giving you a chance, please man let us help you. Trust us we are here for you." "I trust no one." I shrugged off Eric's hand walked down the hallway alone.

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