Part 6

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The car ride was quiet. The van held me, Alicia, Q, Juan, Cedric, and some of T's boys, and some of the bosses men. I looked at Alicia and she smiled, and I kissed my necklace. At that moment the van stopped and Juan stood up. "Ok Boys! Let's make this quick and clean." At that moment we stepped off the van. And as we walked
I looked over at C who was whispering to himself. When I got closer I heard him saying something in Spanish which was a drug prayer that my Dad used to say before he did his drug deals. "Cedric.. You believe in that drug prayer stuff?" "Loren in this line of work you have to believe in something." At that moment we walked into the warehouse and we were met with the boys from N40's. I looked around as I saw snipers in the rafters, and other men scattered about through the warehouse. As we approached the main group of men, we all stepped back and let Juan walk up. "Hello." "What's up?" "Look, you know what boss wants." "Yeah we heard. You got the money?" "Yep. C!" At that moment Cedric walked up with a briefcase and put it on the ground an slid it over to the man. "Good. Check it." At that moment one of his lackeys opened the case and checked to make sure it was all there. "Yep! 3.3 billion dollars is all here boss." I silently whistled to myself. 3.3 billion? What were we getting some type of time reversal machine. At that moment the man snapped his fingers and then another young man my age and statue appeared. "Leo. Give them the case." Leo walked the case over to Cedric and he took it. As that was happening something told me the guys up above were up to no good. And the feeling must of been strong because even Alicia held my hand. At that moment someone whispered to the man on the other side and he smiled. "Leo... Check our guest." At that moment Leo walked up to Cedric. And then before any of us could react the men above pointed their sniper rifles at us and yelled "Freeze!" And then Leo opened his jacket and pulled out a smoke bomb and threw it. The room busted into chaos as bullets were flying all around us. We fired and shot into the room not knowing who we were hitting. At that moment I heard someone yell out "L the case!" I looked around as I saw it on the ground. I ran for it and before I knew it was knocked on my butt by Leo. I grunted as he grabbed the case but before he could move I slid my leg underneath his and when he fell down I grabbed the case. At that moment he tackled me and we fought for it. I punched him in the kidney and he rolled off. Next I stood up and stumped on his chest, hearing ribs crack. He yelled in pain and then I grabbed the case and ran. At that moment the other side of the warehouse opened and in came men and women in vest. "Freeze!" I ran to the side as they shot their guns. I jumped in a side room window as the guns and people kept shooting and firing. The smoke still filling the room. At that moment I noticed I was laying next to a ladder. I climbed up the ladder, but before I could make it all the way Leo was holding on to my ankle. I kicked at him knocking him off the ladder and he fell to the ground. I smiled and spit on him and continued my way up. At that moment I reached the top and found myself outside the warehouse. I ran as fast as I could to the van and jumped inside. In a few short minuets I started the van and started driving. My phone rang and on it was Cedric's face. "Hello!" "Where are you?" "I got the case and I'm driving down the road now." "Ok cool we stole a car from the back lot of the warehouse and we are waiting for you by the main highway leading back into the city." "Alright I'm on my way." At that moment I drove quicker and began laughing and smiling because I made it with the case and my friends made it out alright. I smiled thinking of C, Juan, and of course Alicia. As I got closer to the highway I sped up and then something blew my tires and the van flipped over and rolled into the side of the highway. I groaned my vision doubling at that moment someone bust through the window and began trying to grab for the case. I punched them in the face and busted out the side window. At that moment I ran on until I saw a small blue sedan. I ran faster but as I got closer something told me I wouldn't be happy. And then when I reached the Sedan I couldn't believe it. Before me was Cedric, and Juan shot. Their eyes staring at the sky, blood pouring from them. I shook my head and turned around to see.. Alicia in the arms of Leo. "Al.." "Don't come anywhere further.." "Look I don't know what this is, but take it. Just give me her." "Aww.. You love her don't you?" I looked as Alicia cried, tears falling from her face. "Please......" Leo laughed. "Loren.. Is that your name?" "Yes." "You haven't been doing this long enough but let me tell you something. When you cross the line there is no return. You see what you have in your hands is precious to me and I want it.. But I think I'm going to cross the line and help you understand how crazy I really am." At that moment he pulled out a knife and put it to her neck. She cried, and I stood there and began to plead. "Please.. Please.. I'll do anything! " "You will?.." "Yes." "Ok then let her die!" At that moment he slit her throat and she fell. I ran as he ran away. I ran to her body and held her. I cried and prayed hoping she wouldn't die. The last week flashed before me and everything before that as well. I looked into her eyes and she looked into mine.. She smiled and grabbed the necklace and her words echoed into my mind "Remember L... I'll always be your girl." I began to cry and yell to the heavens. At that moment sirens wailed in my ears. And then I heard doors open. I kept holding Alicia and crying and then I felt someone walk up behind me and speak. "I am Eric Kahn and you are under arrest."

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