Part 17

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"Yo Ron! We need this cart delivered to the top floor. Exec wing pronto!" "On it Boss!" I rolled the cart before me into the employe service elevator. As the elevator rose up I reached in my uniform and pulled out my silenced pistol. When the elevator car opened I quickly put the pistol back into my uniform and rolled the cart into the hallway. Two guards who looked like they belonged in a wrestling ring and not a hospital came up to me checking the cart. "Is this the Shrimp with sauce and dessert?" "Yes it is." He pressed his ear clip and whispered something in another language. Once he received the all Clear he sent me forward. I rolled on through the large doors to the private area of the floor. As I rolled down the hallway I discovered that this was the floor for the rich and famous. Or those who could afford luxurious treatment. When I got to the room I opened the door and rolled in the cart. I looked around the spacious large private room but no one was there. "Hello?.. Anyone home?" I shrugged my shoulder and walked out the room. As I walked down the hallway I took a different turn and walked through a "Security door only" and found myself in private corridors. I ran silently and swiftly avoiding cameras and whatever else was there. The deeper I ran, the more and more it because obvious that this was a hallway for secret service. As if someone wanted to validate my point I found myself stopping in front of a "Equipment room" I walked in and got changed into Security Equipment. I put on my ear piece and began to fumble around channels to see if I could hear anything about the meeting. After ten minutes I heard a familiar voice. It was Mackenzie's. "Yes sir. I am here on behalf of Mr. Déodat. He could not make it today but sends his utmost apologies." I walked out the room listening to the meeting. I walked back through the security door and out to the lobby past the wrestling twins and I walked downstairs to the guest wing and found myself in a large party. I looked around seeing if I could find a door that would lead me to the meeting room as I walked without looking I bumped into a man about my size. "Hey watch it." "My bad.. Damn douche" The man bumped past me again and walked out the door. I shook my head and kept moving through the crowd until I found myself in a smaller hallway that lead straight to the conference room. I smiled as the words in my ear began to match the words flowing out the room. The closer I got the more happy I became. And then I walked in the room and everyone stopped talking. "Excuse me. I'm here to replace you." I walked over to the other guard and whispered to him that he was no longer needed. He said ok and left leaving me to stand there. I stood there confidently as Mackenzie, Jessy, and Marissa went back work. "So. Do we have a deal?" "Well Mr. Leonardo will be here in a minute and then we shall see." The man's phone rang and he looked up at me. He shook his head and then hung up. "Hey..  Guard what's your name?" "Pierre." "You have a girlfriend?" The question took me aback but I answered the best way I could. "Not anymore. She moved to Idaho last week." "Oh.. You sure she wasn't killed by Leonardo!" At that moment the door closed and the men in the room pulled out their weapons I followed suit. Mackenzie stood shocked at the confrontation that had now begun. "What is this?!" "Ms. Mackenzie why don't you tell Loren to take off those glasses." At that moment Mackenzie turned around and swore and then she pulled out her gun pointing at the man. Jessy pointed her two guns at two men, and Marrisa did the same thing covering the other two. Then two hand claps filled the room as Leonardo walked out smiling. "Good show.. Good show. I am impressed that you all have such an interest in me. Oh well better luck next time huh?" With that he pulled out a small button and pressed it. The table before Mackenzie and the girls exploded flipping forward and because of the explosion we all fell backwards. Smoke filling the room

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