Part 16

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I laid in bed crying and drinking. For the first time in weeks I felt hopeless again. I felt the weight of the world crashing on me. And I hated the feeling. As I cried and drank my pod phone rang. I got up stumbling to the door and opened it. I walked back to the bed as whoever it was came in the room. "What?" "Loren you missed training again." I looked up to see Eric. "Man don't you get tired of visiting me?! Ain't it 900 other million people in this damn place! Am I the only one?!" I drunk the bottle of vodka and let my eyes clothes. "How many have you had?" "3.." I heard shoes moving across the floor and then a blanket was draped over me. "I killed my dad." "What?" "I killed my dad Eric. He shot my mom in front of me so I killed him. I burned the house down and ran to my nigga house. That's the story of my parents." I opened my eyes to try to see Eric but all I got was blur. I closed my eyes again and kept talking. "I also have nightmares about it every night since it happened.. All I see is my mom screaming and my dad shooting. And then he's abusing me like he always did for 16 years. He would punch and kick me, and force me to watch him hit my mother. I had the worst father and I'm glad I shot him dead." I heard no response and so I kept going. "And now I lost the only woman I loved. Alicia. She was everything E. Sweet, kind, caring. She didn't deserve what happened to her. I.. I miss her." With those words I felt tears roll down my cheek but then I gave up and let the feeing of being drunk come over me and before I knew it I was out like a light .

I woke up feeling different. Like a huge weight was lifted from my chest. I got up and got ready for the day and went in to the new mission briefing. As I sat in the back agents who came in looked at me and turned away as if I was cancer. As they came in I saw Mackenzie and Jessy who when they saw me turned their head as well. They set two rows ahed of me and no matter how much I whispered or tried to get their attention they acted like they didn't notice. Finally when everyone was in the room Scarlet and Eric came in and I kept my head down to avoid contact. "Hello everyone. Today we are debriefing you on a new assignment. This mission is code name "We have him." I snapped my head up at those words. The screen clicked and Eric continued. "Two hours ago we received an anonymous tip that the device that Leonardo obtained from that deal four weeks ago is now on the black market. His trader James Valluci is currently offering it for a high value. We have reason to believe that at 5:30 our time, James and some potential buyers are scheduled to meet at the Royal Carriage Hospital in downtown. There we believe Leonardo will be present and will be active in the discussions. We are sending in three agents undercover to assist in the taking down of Leonardo and the collection of the weapon. Scarlet." "Thank you. In order for this to work I am going to pass out the dossiers to the three agents that have been selected for this mission. That will be Agent Mackenzie Kolton, Agent Jessy Bloom, and.." Even though I knew it was a long shot I kinda hoped it was me.. I closed my eyes and silently wished that she would say Loren Brown. But instead she said "Agent Marissa. Thank you that is all." As the room emptied I sat in the back waiting and looking. Finally when it was us for Scarlet looked up and noticed me. "You can leave now Loren." "No. I want a part of this." "You must be joking. You completely screwed up the last mission; no. We cannot have your immature ghetto ass running around like you know what your doing. This is for skilled agents only. So you may leave." "Eric. Man please?" "I'm sorry Loren but with your last mission its best that you stay out of this." I stood up and walked toward the door. As I was walking out I "accidentally" tripped into the podium and made some of the extra papers form the folders fall. I quickly put one in my pocket and put the rest of the papers on the podium. "Sorry gorilla." Scarlet pointed towards the door and I walked out. And as I did I mentally prepared for my mission.

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