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Beau followed Coulson through the intricate hallways and stairs, until they reached an elevator.

"I have to say, I'm really curious as to how you gained your powers," Phil said, trying to start a conversation.

Beau pondered for a second before answering.
"Me too."

A quiet bell dinged and the elevator doors opened. Once again, Beau followed Coulson, but it was a short distance. They reached glass doors, and Coulson set his palm onto one of the doors. A screen on it lit up, scanning his palm.
The door opened and he held it open for her. She smiled and walked in.

"No, I'm telling you, Agent Riley, you get me that meeting with the Vice President or I will bust your ass back to Idaho."

Beau saw the figure of a man in a desk chair. He swiveled around when he heard footsteps. Beau's eyes met his single eye and he smiled.

"Beau Waters," He said.

She smiled awkwardly, as she had never been given this many attention in her life.

"I'm director Nick Fury. I run this place."

"That's impressive," she said, laughing quietly.

"Please, sit," he said, motioning to a set of chairs in front of his desk. "You can stay here, Coulson, I know we're both dying to see these powers."
He turned his attention back to her.

"I am for sure very interested in your... invisibility. Could you show us?"

She nodded, and after a breath, turned invisible.

She heard Coulson gasp next to her and saw that Fury's mouth was wide open.
"Son of a bitch," he said, his astonished face turning into a happy one.

Beau picked up a coffee mug without making it turn invisible, so to Fury and Coulson, it was a floating mug. She made it turn, and it disappeared.

"Well motherfucker, it just keeps getting better."

Beau turned back, not able to hide the grin on her face. She put the mug down.

"Can you turn things invisible without you turning?"

She answered by grabbing the side of Fury's desk, and making it vanish. It looked like everything on Fury's desk was floating. Then, she made all the contents on top of his desk turn invisible too. There was now no desk visible.

"As long as everything is touching, yeah." She answered.

"Goddamn," Fury said. "This is better than I thought it was going to be."

She sat there smiling while he thought.

"Ok. Listen. I'm sure Coulson already explained to you what this place is and what it does, correct?"

Both Phil and Beau nodded.

"So... all I can do is ask you once more to join us. You would have a tutor, and your parents would be able to visit you often. So like college, but more badass."

"I... I'm in. I'll do it." Beau said without hesitation.

Fury smiled. "Well wonderful! That's really great. Well let you get settled today, We'll do tests tomorrow, and after that, it's all training."

"Testing? Training?"

"Yes, testing to see what it is that caused you this, how it works and where it came from. And training, so you can be more skilled physically. Are you athletic?"

"Yeah, I guess so. I'm pretty flexible and I don't get tired easily."

"Well we'll only make you better." Fury said with a grin. "I'm very glad to have met you, Beau. You will be a great addition to the team."

This is a really short part and I know and I apologize and I also apologize for not updating !! ahh I'm so sorry ! but I do have the next few chapters planned so bear with me... also thank you to all the readers that vote for and comment on my stories, u give me life.

also if you are a fan of the walking dead, I recently published a fanfic of it on here ! pls give it a read and tell me what you think! 👏👍💯🙏💖

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