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After the incident at the S.H.I.E.L.D facility, all the agents had relocated to another place. Specifically, a boat that also happened to be an aircraft. Or so Beau was told. She was at the highest level, where all the jets were supposed to land. The ground was decorated in lines and arrows, guiding all the aircrafts. 

Beau saw two men out in the distance, they stood out because neither of them were wearing the normal agent uniform. One was average, and the other had a bulkier build. He looked pretty fit. Then she realized who they were. She had been given a folder with files of agents she'd be working with the day before. Steve, Bruce, Natasha, Clint, and herself. She had heard a rumor of Iron Man being with them, but for some reason he wasn't in the folder she had been given.

She walked up between two men, standing on the edge next to them. They both looked down at her in surprise. Bruce pointed at her, almost speechless. 

"Y-you must be Beau, right?" 

She raised an eyebrow. "That's me. I think I'm the only one with purple hair here."

She heard a laugh to her other side. The man held out his hand. "Steve Rogers." She shook it, smiling. She turned back to Bruce, and she held out her hand. He took it, and as he was introducing himself, she spoke. "Bruce Banner, I know. I read all the files. The Hulk," she turned to Steve, "and Captain America." 

They both chuckled. "I read the files, too," Bruce said. "Yours especially. I'm curious about how you got your... abilities, if you don't mind me asking."

"I'm curious, too. I'm not actually sure yet. Rejected HYDRA technology is what Fury said, but there's more to it." She shrugged. 

Just as Beau finished talking, they all heard Natasha's voice behind them.

"Guys, you may want to step inside in a minute. It's gonna get a little hard to breath."

"Is this a submarine?" Steve asked.

"Really? They wanted me in a submerged pressurized metal container?" The helicarrier started shaking, and then flying up.

"Oh no, this is much worse," Banner said.


They had all gone inside, sitting at a large oval table by all the agents at the computers. 

Everyone had already introduced themselves. Beau was fidgeting with her hands, not knowing what to say or do. That was until she heard Banner speak up, talking to her. 

"Beau, if you don't mind me asking, could we see your powers?" She was broken from her thoughts, and nodded nonchalantly. Within a second, without a word, she turned invisible. Steve had been drinking from a bottle of water, and she saw him choke on it when she turned. Everyone was in awe. Even the agents that were supposed to be working. There was a folder with papers by her, and she reached over quietly and held it up. To the rest of them, it looked like a floating folder. Then, she made the folder itself invisible. She enjoyed surprising everyone. She always hated being the center of attention, but she liked it now. She turned back, and everyone looked even more surprised. Natasha, Fury and Maria were all smirking, because they had seen it all before. Maria walked over to an agent's desk and grabbed a stack of blank papers. She held them up, to her side, making sure no one was behind them.

Beau came to her senses. "You want me to shoot?" Maria nodded. 

"Shoot?!" Steve said. 

Beau outstretched her left hand, her palm up in the air. Everyone's eyes shifted from her hand to her face, deeply concentrated on her hand. Then, a purple substance began to ooze out of her hand. From her palm, fingers, and fingertips, it floated in the air gracefully.

It was exactly like the substance in the pond.

She moved her fingers around, forming the substance into a ball. Floating above her palm, she moved her fingers up and down to make it spin in her hand. Maria tightened her grip on the papers, holding as close to the edge as possible. Then, Beau looked up, still spinning the purple orb in her palm, and she flicked her index finger. The orb shot out quickly, hitting the papers. There was smoke around it, and a small bit of flame that burned out quickly on the papers. When the smoke cleared, there was a hole burnt in the stack of papers, black and crisped around the edges. 

"Holy shit." Banner said, and it was the first (and only) time she would ever hear him swear. Everyone was gathering their thoughts and soaking everything in.
Just as Steve was about to speak, Fury interrupted him.

"Oh, Beau? You forgot the other thing." 

"Oh, yeah." she said, and then turned her shield on.

It was a glowy, translucent lavender orb completely surrounding her and the chair she was sitting in. She turned to Steve next to her, and pointed at the pen that was on the table. 

"Stab me with that." 


"Stab her with the pen, Cap," Fury said, and Steve reluctantly picked up the pen. 

"Do it with as much force as you can. Don't be afraid." Beau said. 

Steve breathed deeply, backing up in his seat a little. He pulled his arm back, pen in hand. He threw his arm straight at her shield, pen first, with full force. The pen hit her shield and was stopped, freezing Steve's arm in place. It felt like Steve's steel shield. He felt her shield with his other hand, astonished. 

"It doesn't feel like what it looks like... What the-"

Beau turned. Her shield was still on, so nothing changed, except for her being invisible. Steve pulled back, surprised. She turned back, smiling at him. 

She put her hand out onto her shield, and motioned to it, for Steve to stab it. He did, this time with less force (for some reason, thinking it was going to hurt her). She bounced back the pen through her shield, making Steve's arm pull back on its own, out of bounce. 

"You can reflect it?" 

"Only if I have my hand on it." She turned her shield off, stretching her arms out, cracking her knuckles. 

"What's next, you can fly?" Bruce said, and Beau laughed. "I wish," she muttered under her breath.

Steve had stood up, walking towards Fury. He took his wallet out and handed Fury a ten dollar bill. Fury smirked.

Beau loved this. Everyone had been staring at her, shocked, pointing- but it was out of awe. Amazement. She didn't feel judged, she felt admired.

 She wanted to be invisible, but for different reasons now. She was with people like herself now.


this is a shitty filler chapter but this had gotten a lot of reads!!!!!!!!! so i wanted to update for whoever's reading :~) pls vote and comment if u read and liked it!! comments are rly nice and i like reading and replying to them! i do plan on updating this more and sooner :-) thanks !!! hope u enjoy <3

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