Welcome to Casa Del Tine!

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It was already six when I left New's cafe to pick up Phi. I hope I am still in a presentable way after all my work. Phi's company was nearer than I thought. Just a couple of mins drive from mine. I would be lying if I said that I am not nervous. A big lie! Cause I had to take my pills to calm myself down and I am not even sure I can even complete what I wanted to say.

Phi Wat was already waiting for me when I reached his place at 6 10 pm. 'This man is always so eager to see me!' I chuckled to myself. Why do i feel like he is getting more hot as the day goeas on? He was in his formals with his sleeves rolled up. Oh God! I am still crazy for this man even after all these years huh. Well Fuck me! Its going to be a long day.

"Hey", P'Wat smiled as soon as he saw me. I could feel the hidden excitement in his voice. He hasnt changed a bit and I can read him like a book even now. I badly miss our time together.

"Hi phi. Get inside quickly, we have no time to waste." I said with the same smile plastered on my face. He hopped in, but I could sense his surprise seeing me talk so casually all of a sudden.

"So... Where are we going now?" He started the conversation between us so that we are not awkward on our trip.

"Uhmm... Cant I take my fiance on a date? If you are asking about the place, then you will know once we reach there."

By now, I could feel his confusing gaze on me. I mean who wouldnt be? One time you just yell and the text time you are so caring? My life is a joke now. I am a joke.

"I know what you are thinking phi. But trust me, I will answer all questions once we reach there. Now take a quick nap. I know you are tired. It will take 2 hours minimum for us to reach there. I will call you once we are there ok?"

He continued staring at me with that smile. That damn smile! His smile has always been a weakness for me. well.. . he himself is my weakness ok?

From the corner of my eyes, I could see him slowly getting comfortable in his seat and drifting off to sleep. He looks adorable while sleeping. My phi... my wat... But, will he accept me after he finds out the truth about me?

I shook my head and decided to focus on my driving and started the radio. Everything by Scrub was playing in the background while I drove off the road and was silently stealing glances at my soon to be husband and the love of my life!

After 2 hours, we finally reached there and i carefully parked my car infront of the building. I took I a look at Phi and he was sleeping adorably. I carefully woke him up and called his name.

"Wat, Wake up we are here"

He slowly woke and rubbed his eyes. He was still confused.

"Where are we Tine" he asked

I smiled for the nth time today seeing him. We were infront of a medium size 3 storey building.

"Welcome to Casa Del Tine, Mr. Sarawat Gunthithanon!

I am so sorry guys that I am posting this late. I am slowly recovering and I promise to update twice or thrice a week from now on. If you want me to continue this story, please vote and comment to support me. Your comments really help me with my mental health and I would love to see more of your opinions. thank you for all the love and support till now and please keep supporting me guys. 


Miss Bunny

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