Chapter Five

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     After a few hours in the storm cellar, the noises of Servants and Gina cease. I slowly creep up the door of the storm cellar, then loud crash makes me jump back I quickly grab Michael and push him behind as the storm cellar door gets ripped off its hinges. Gina slowly walks down the steps of the cellar; I quickly grab my gun and point it right her head.

"WHO ARE YOU?" I shout out, Gina quickly stops and raises her hands up.

"BEN, WHAT YOU ARE DOING?" Michael shouts at me and tries to move the gun away. I push him away from and get closer to her with the gun pointed right her head, I pull the hammer and load the gun.

"Start talking, or I swear this bullet is going straight through you," I say trembling behind the gun, I've never killed anyone, and I don't want to hurt her, id give anything to never hurt her, but I must protect Michael.

"I'm sorry ben, I didn't want you to find out like this. It gives anything to find another way to tell you." She says, this is the trick, this is a lie. Don't fall for its Ben.

"Get to explaining, what are you?" I speak. She sighs and bites her lip.

"I am not of this planet, I come from a planet named Zuthan" she says calmly, my stomach drops. She is one of them.

"What, Ben what is she talking about?" Michael asks.

"She's saying she an alien Michael! She's saying she's with them." I shout not looking away from her. I let her in, I let her near Michael, near me.

"No! I came with them but I'm not with them," Gina exclaims.

"What the hell does that mean?" I call out, she hasn't moved an inch until she slowly shakes her head.

"I can't think straight with the gun in my face, Ben" she says. She trying to make your vulnerable again, don't fall for it.

"I don't care, either you find a way to, or I have to pull this trigger." I respond, I couldn't believe the words that are coming out of my own mouth.

"Ben, it's still me, I'm still me and I'm not going to hurt you," Gina pleads.

"I don't believe you," I say.

"Ben look at me, I wouldn't hurt you," Gina soothes, shes lying, shes just trying to get inside your head.

"One of the servants, she told me that you have some kind of way of making me feel things that aren't real," I say, my hands slowly shake pointing the gun at her.

"Green eyes, brown hair, scar below her left eye?" She describes, I nod.

"She not a servant ben, like me, she's an assassin. Her name is Irina." Gina replies.

"You're an assassin?" Michael exclaims.

"Shut up Michael," I call out.

"I would never hurt you," Gina repeats.

"You keep saying that but you're not telling the whole story so stop playing games and start talking," I exclaim.

"My planet is... or was a beautiful planet filled with what you call farmers. We were peaceful and happy and good, I was just a girl when they came to my world, they're called Skinners. My people thought they came wanting peace, but we were wrong. They came and took everything, men, women and children. They experimented on the adults and turned them into what you call Dashers, most of the kids were tested on as well but some chosen to train and become assassins. The girl you saw her name is Irina, she's an assassin like me, we trained together." Gina explains.

"So, you're on her side?" Michael questions.

"No, I'm not. I promise I'm not."

"Why?' I ask.

"I don' know how to explain it, when I was told we were heading for another planet. To do exactly what they did to my planet, Irina's planet and so many more. I couldn't stay silent any longer, I wouldn't be apart of it. So, I stole a ship and headed for earth, hoping that I would get here in time to warn earth, but Skinners caught up to me. That's why I was in that capsule when you found me. I came here to stop this from happening again." Gina continues.

"You can still stop this from happening Gina, you might need some help though," Michael says.

"Shut up Michael were not helping it" I call out, I slowly lower the gun down from her.

"Ben, please I'm sorry." Gina pleads.

"I don't care, first sight of sunlight and we're out of here. Away from you," I respond. Michael reluctantly sets up a corner for hi to sleep, Gina sits in a corner across the room and I sit across from her, keeping watch in case she tries anything. Michael eventually doses off the sleep, while Gina and I stay wide awake, gun still in hand.

"Do you even sleep?" I ask.

"Yes, I do. I just can't right now," Gina replies, I look down at my gun.

"Me neither, but for good reason" I say, Gina rolls her eyes.

"Ben, if I wanted to hurt you, I would simply take your gun from you before you could ever blink," Gina snaps.

"Why haven't you then if it makes you so uncomfortable?" I say, she looks down and shakes her head.

"Because it comforts you," Gina whispers, a tear reflects off her cheek.

"Ben im still the girl you saved from that factory" Her voice cracks.

"How can I ever trust you again?" I ask.

"You don't have to, but you have to help end this. I know I kept this part of me from you but Michael and you are all I have now, and when I'm around you i feel like im home. I forgot what that felt like. You reminded me, so im going to do everything I can to protect that, you want to hate me? Never speak to me again after? Fine, but have to help me stop this please," Gina begs, I look over to Michael. sleeping soundly in his corner, I would do anything for him, take beatings, kill for him, die for him. I could never for give myself if I lost him ever, and I know this will never end until someone stops them.

"We'll help you" I whisper, Gina smiles and sighs in relief.

"Thank you," She replies.

"But you keep your distance from Michael" I say, the light in her eyes dims as well as her smile.

"Okay, whatever you want," She says, I nod at her. She shifts around for a bit then eventually falls asleep, I adjust myself and dream of a girl who I thought I knew. 

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