Chapter Four

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              I look at the selection of clothes in the boy section, I pick out some fresh black pants and a white T-shirt. I quickly change my pants and rip off my sweaty shirt. Leaving completely exposed, but before I can put on a fresh shirt I look up in the mirror and see Gina behind me. I quickly turned around to her, but she grabs my shoulder and turns me around again, studying my back.

"Where did you get all these scars from?" Gina questions I can feel her breath running down my spine., I look down attempting to block out my memories cloud my train of thought. I wanted to lie but with Gina, trying to lie is like trying to hold your breath forever.

"My Dad," I reply. Her face softens still studying every inch of my back.

"Before he went on his tours to Afghanistan, he would get drunk and try to hurt my mom." My breath begins to quiver.

"Does Michael have scars too?" She asks, I shake my head.

"No, I would never let him get to Michael or mom. It was always me." I reply, I study her reactions to my back in the mirror. She looks as if she is in pain from just looking at me.

"What was it that made these scars?" she interrogates.

"It was a Texas long whip" I replied. She looks up at me in shock.

"Where did he get that from?"

"It was a family heirloom, passed from father to son. A reminder of life in the country I guess but it was used to beat me almost every night when he'd get back home." Before I can even flinch, Gina begins to trace my scars with her fingertips. My hands begin to sweat, the sensation of pins and needles form on my lips again. I look up and see tears from up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry this happened to you" She whispers, I turn around and embrace her. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me close.

"I'm okay, I promise. Honestly if I saw him even today, I would say I forgive him." I say she pulls away from me and frowns.

"Why?" She asks.

"I still love him I guess, no matter what pain or suffering or hate had sent my way or took out on me. I will always love my father; I will always forgive him even if he lives his whole life never making it up to me. Hate taught me love, the pain gave me strength and suffering taught me to be kind to others. I wouldn't be who I am today without his cruelty."

"Does Michael know?" She asked, I turned for her and put on the white t shirt.

"No, he never really asked probably thinks I got these from a car accident or something, and Michael doesn't really remember him since he died when Michael was young. I'm just hoping he'll never ask so I must not tell him, I don't want to hurt him like that. Please don't tell him." I plead, she raises her pinky and locks in with mine.

"I promise, your secret is safe with me," Gina replies, my eyes linger from her eyes to her lips to her lips. Her eyes shift back and forth from my eyes to my lips, I only met her a day or so ago and I feel as if I've known her my whole life. like I've already built an understanding with her that I'll always be there for her as I know she'll be there for me, like all the wrong in the world slips from my mind if I have her near me, that no matter where I go on the planet her life will always be intertwined with mine. I slowly sneak mt arm her waist and surprisingly she allows me to wrap her arms around my shoulders, could she feel the same way? does she feel that same pull I feel whenever I'm around her? Could she understand me? I slowly lean in and let my eyes hang low, but the clash of Michael screams startles us.

"Ben! Gina! Run!" Michael calls out, four Servants chase behind him down the aisle. Before I can react, Gina pulls out a gun out from her bag.

"Get down!" Gina yells at Michael, Michael landslides to my feet, I quickly yank him up back on his feet. Shot after shot, every servant was put down. I was wrong, I felt I knew her, but I truly don't.

"Time to go," she says as she grabs her bag and pulls me out of my thoughts, I quickly grab my stuff and rush us to the back door. We head out for the forest as we run away, I look back to make sure we aren't being followed; I see a group of Servants chasing after us. I rushed Michael and Gina to run faster as they were quickly catching up to us. Gina stops in her tracks; I quickly turn to her to see what's going on. Michael continues to run on.

"Gina what are you doing, let's go," I call out, Gina pulls out what looks like pads for your forearm.

"Ben, you and Michael need to go and get somewhere safe," she says looking up at me, is she seriously thinking that I'm just going to leave her here?

"This is no time to try to be a hero Gina, I'm not leaving without you, and we need to go now," She looks back and sees that the Servants are right on us, she looks down and shakes her head.

"I'm sorry you have to find out this way" she says, I look over her and see the Servants running right at us, I attempt to fight one, but Gina shoves me out of the way and runs through him. She moved so fast; I could see her till to stopped on the other side of him. He immediately drops to the floor, blood staining his shirt from his stomach, what the hell just happened?

"What the hell?" I screech out, I'm so confused and in disbelief. She just literally ran through him like he was a piece of paper. Who is this girl? What is she?

"Ben, you need to run. catch up to Michael and don't look back, I'll explain everything later" she calls out she speeds over to the next Servant, slicing him in half. I can't move, I watch her speed left and right hacking through each Servant, like she trained. There's no way she is human, so what the hell is she? Did she come with them? Was this all a part of a plan to pick off the last of the planet? Make them fall for you and then trap them? I'm so distraught I don't even notice the Servant running right at me. She tackles me down fast. I fight to get her off me.

"Give up, it's easier once you do" She slyly says, as she holds her knife to my chest. For what I can see, she has brown long hair, green eyes and I scar right below her left eye.

"So tell me, has she used her tricks on you yet? Feeling like you know her and that you're pulled to her, or did she even have to use it on you?" The Servant whispers in my ear, my heart stops, how could she know that? Is it a trick?

"Ben!" Michael calls out, the servant looks up in his direction.

"Oh, she got two of you. Perfect, more for the taking." She says laughing, I quickly push her off me and leave Gina behind, I must. I don't know her anymore and did have to protect Michael, I was a fool to believe anyone could be trusted other than myself and Michael. I was weak and gave her the key to my life, she could've killed us in our sleep and turned into Servants at anytime while we were with her. She could've hurt Michael. I finally see Michael, standing in front of the door to a storm cellar waiting for me.

"Wait where's Gina?" he asked, I shoved him into the cellar and locked us in. I find a light and switch it on, we sit and wait as the screeches and slashes of servants slowly fade out.

"Why did we leave Gina out there?' Michael asks, I shake my head and fall to the floor, hoping she doesn't get hurt. Her I am not knowing a single thing about this girl still hooping she's okay cause ii care for her or at least I think I do. Unless it was all just a trick. It couldn't have all been a trick. Right?

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