Chapter Six

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            Once I wake, I grab my jacket and slowly lift the cellar door to see the outside world. Seeing Gina and Michael still soundly asleep I crawl out of the cellar for some fresh air, I scan the trees not a Skinner in sight. I slowly close the cellar door and take in the air. I let my thoughts roam, but they all lead back to Gina, she's been through more than I could ever she still that girl I saved form that factory, Did I even save her? Am I worthy of saving her? How can I still have these feelings for her? Are they even real? It's as if now that I know what she truly is I love her even more. Love her? What am I thinking? I can't love her, she's an alien! An alien forms the movies, the books, the ones that came here and took us, killed us, killed my mom. My thoughts run in circles in my mind, I begin to feel dizzy when I twig snaps behind me. I quickly raised my gun and turned around. Speaking of the devil, it's Gina.

"Is this how it's always going to be now?" Gina asks with her hands raised.

"What? 'I ask.

"You, pointing a gun at me?" She says, I look down at myself and slowly lower the gun and shimmy it into the side of my belt.

"Maybe cool it with the creeping up on me" I say, she smirks rolling her eyes at me.

"I'm sorry," she says. Tell her, tell her how you feel.

"I'm sorry too," I call out, Gina looks down at the ground.

"Why? I lied to you about who I am," She replies, I walk up to her and slowly lift her head up with my finger.

"I'm starting to see why you did," I whisper. Her eyes begin to water.

"Are you okay?" She whispers, I think about it hard. Even though she is an alien, I can't deny my feelings for her. Real or not, I still feel for her. I would do anything for her, no matter what planet she's from.

"Yeah, I'll be alright," I say. Gina stands next to me, lightly leaning her head on my shoulder. My heart races like a racehorse, I want to believe that what I feel is real. I want to trust her. The sound of Michael coming out of the cellar gets our attention, Michael looks at us and smiles.

"So, we're helping Gina?" Michael says as a big smile forms on his face, I roll my eyes at him.

"Yeah, I guess so," I reply. Michael jumps in excitement.

"Yes! So, when are we leaving?" He eagerly asks.

"We'll go in a bit, but I need to show you how to hunt for yourself can you start a fire, we'll be back soon," I callout, Gina nods. I grabbed my bag and led Michael deeper into the forest. Once Gina is out of sight of us, Michael turns to me.

"Why are you teaching me how to hunt for myself now?" Hea asks, his hands are shaking, and he's coated in sweat.

"I'm not always going to be around Michael, and I need to know I'm not leaving you out here helpless" I say Michael nods, I show him how to aim a knife at a moving object. As Michael practices, I think back to when our dad was teaching me to aim, yelling at me, saying if I didn't aim right and hit the target, he would add another scar to my back. Reality pulls me back as Michael cuts his hand. I slowly take out my gun and hand it to Michael, he hesitantly holds it in his hands. I get behind him and hold his arms up to point the gun at a tree.

"Relax your body, loosen up your arms. It's got a kick to it so be prepared for that, keep both eyes open and when you're ready and pull the trigger" I say as I slowly back away from him. He takes a heavy breath in, and the sound of thunder consumes my hearing, he pulled the trigger and hit the tree. I smiled at him, for the first time in a while it was as if the world was as it was before. We're just two boys, idiots in the woods. Unfortunately, nothing lasts long anymore. We turn to see Gina running up to us but collapses to the ground, covering her ears, screeching in agony.

"Gina! What's going on?" I called out, I quickly ran to her and held her close to me.

"Do you guys hear that?" She whines, I slowly move her hands from her ears. Her ears are leaking hot blood down the sides of her face. I hear something running up to us, it's a Dasher, but it's not camouflaged.

"We need to go; Michael gets her out of here. Ill hold it off." I shout as I grab the gun from his hands, Michael quickly grabs Gina and carries her away as far as he can go. I shoot at the Dasher but every time I pull the trigger, it jumps from tree to tree. Before I can take another shot at it, the Dasher lands on me and holds me down. As UI struggle more with the Dasher I hear screams from the direction Michael and Gina just ran off to, I look up to see two Dashers carrying them unconscious.

"No, No! No!" I shout, I try to push the Dasher off, but it grips onto my arms tighter.

"Take them to my ship," A voice calls out. A girl walks up to me and looks down at me and smiles, I realize it's the same girl from before. Emerald eyes, brunette hair, scar on her face. It's Irina.

"I have plans for this one," She coos. She punches me hard enough, I black out.

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