Chapter Seven

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            I wake up, chained up to a chair in a dark room with a major headache. Gina and Michael are across the room from me, chained up as well.

"Gina, are you okay?" I call out, she slowly flutters awake and nods her head.

"Yeah, I'm good," She responds slowly, Michael wakes up drowsy.

"Michael, you good?" I call out, he blinks deliriously.

"I'm okay, where are we?" Michael asks.

"Somewhere on Irina's ship," I say. Gina looks at me with fear and worry in her eyes.

"We have to get off this ship," Gina demands. I quickly struggle to pull away from the chains, but they seem to tighten on me the more I pull.

"What the hell is this stuff? Some kind of alien shackle?" Michael exclaims. Out from the shadows of the room Irina appears in the room with a Dasher by her side.

"It's Chi-wake shackles, from the Chi-waken tribe on the planet you humans call Jupiter," Irina says.

"There's life on Jupiter!" Michael exclaims.

"Shut up right now," I say glaring at him sternly.

"The Chi-waken people loved to torture criminals and intruders on their planet. So, they made these strangle the life out of their victims, The more you struggle to get out, the tighter the chains become, oh and it does whatever I command," she says. She nudges Gina and her chains tighten around her.

"Listen you bitch—" At the raise of her finger, the chains wrap around Gina's throat making hard for her to breathe.

"What? Did you bite your tongue too hard?" She nudges, I attempt to hold my tongue, but anger took control.

"Get away from her!" I shout, Irina turns her attention to me and comes inches to my face laughing at me.

"Look at what we have here. Friends of Gina? Mr. Hero? Mr. Super-Cute-Hero, look at him Gina! You really know how to pick them; I'm surprised you haven't tied yourself down to this one!" She snickers, I stare into her emerald eyes. Don't show her, no hesitation, no fear. I hear Gina gasp for air and quickly look over to her, breaking my stare with Irina.

"Oh my god! You did, didn't you? I mean look at the shimmer, the light in his eyes when he looks at you. I wonder if you feel the same for him or if it's just another one of your tricks," she says as a devilish smile creeps onto her lips.

"I think I'm going to have fun with this one, you don't mind right Gina. Bring him with us," she says to the Dasher. I immediately struggled to get out and escape, Gina and Michael call out my name as the Dasher picks me up, throws me over its shoulder and carries me out of the room. I feel a pinch in my back, and suddenly I can't move my body. My legs feel like pudding, my eyesight blurs. The last thing is seen is the door to the room where Gina and Michael are kept shut close.


I feel a surge of electricity coarse through me and I suddenly wake to Irina and her deceptive eyes standing in front of me. I'm chained up, hanging from the ceiling. Irina laughs as she runs her finger down my arm to my chest, she grabs the collar of my shirt and rips it off, revealing the scars on my back. She circles me, I feel cold fingers starting to trace my scars. Just as Gina did, I try to shake her off my back, but she only laughs more.

"You know what I've learned about humans in the short time I've been on this disappointing planet? Humans are stupid, they believe that humans are the only ones with life on their planet in the entire universe. This planet is so naïve, I think that's why this planet has been one of the easiest planets I've ever conquered," she says as she circles me. I try to pull on the chain from the ceiling, but Irina tightens them around my wrists.

"When I get out of here, I'm going to kill you," I wail out.

"Gina told you about me, didn't she? Well, I'm going to peel your skin off strip by strip, while she watches. She thinks by betraying us she's doing something good; I can't imagine how shell feel when she watches the one thing she was trying to protect be destroyed ever so slowly. I think it'll set back on track with her right at my side, where she belongs," Irina sneers. I yank on the chain trying to make it break from the ceiling, but they begin to cut into my wrists, my blood drizzles down my arms to my chest. She takes a step closer and slowly licks up some blood from my chest and drinks it.

"You taste good Ben, so you're going to stay for a while. What's the rush anyway? We're just getting started," She whispers as she leans into me.

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