Chapter 20: Moment of weakness.

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Nkosinathi's POV

"When it rains it pours angifuni ukungasho shem." she mumbles but i heard her. (I don't wanna lie.) She isn't wrong though. If it isn't her drama with Andiswa, it's my mother and Mam Zodwa. The drama between those two it was okay, lemme not say okay because they never saw each other until now I guess. I sigh and run my hand across my face.

There is traffick and i couldn't be more annoyed. It's the like the robots are against you when they know you need to get there quickly. "Why don't you go through the yellow lane just for today." she asks. "I didn't think about that." My mind is too all over the place to think straight. We lucky that I haven't crashed into any car.

I shift to the yellow lane and continue driving until I reach the robots. There was an accident here hence the delay. I drive until I get to the hospital. I don't know if Andiswa's accident was a genuine one or there is foul play involved but since we have stalkers I doubt it's a genuine one. I would hate to go back to my old ways in order to find the person that did it. I park the car in the parking lot and i take a minute to breath.

Both Iyana and Mam Zodwa get out off the car and i follow suit entering the hospital. We get to the reception and i ask about the update on her condition. She is still in surgery so we go and sit in the waiting room. I wonder if the rest of them know but I'm sure they do cause my parents are her next of kin. "I really hope she survives." says Iyana.

I didn't think she would come considering how their relationship is tense but I'm glad she did. "I'm not that evil Nkosinathi. We may not get along but her life is in danger and i can't just sit and watch Netflix." she says and i chuckle. I guess I thought out loud. "Can we pray." says Mam Zodwa and we nod. We hold hands and it kind of feels weird holding Iyana's hand but it's a good weird, I don't know if that makes sense.

"Nkulunkulu onamandla. Ngiyakucela ukuthi usivikele kulesimo esikuso. Cela uncede umtanethu. Mkhiphe engozini akuyo manje. May you lead us and guide us and never forsake us. May you forgive us for the sins we've committed knowingly and unknowingly. Purify our hearts and purify our souls. May you cover each and every corner of this hospital and our homes with your holy spirit. Cover us with the blood of Jesus and helps us walk through the storm we are facing right now. Siyabonga Mdali wethu ngokusivusa namhlanje it means we are not done serving our purpose on earth. We love you and appreciate you. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen." (Plesse protect us in this situation we are facing. Please help our child. Take her out of the danger she's in. Thank you Our Creater for waking us up today.) "Amen."

We open our eyes and Iyana quickly removes her hand away from mine. "She's going to be okay." says Iyana. "She will. She is a fighter and she can't give up on us now." says Mam Zodwa. I'm scared for my little sister right now. Yes she may be annoying and all but I love her and i still need her in my life. I can't afford to lose her. My train of thoughts gets disturbed by my mother's cries.

"Andiswa mtanami!" she wails loudly and i roll my eyes. (my child.) My mom is a drama queen but I don't blame her in the situation that we in right now. One of the nurses tells her to sit down and wait. The minute she sees us her wailing stops. Hawu and then. And her dramaticness becomes worse when she sees her friend. This is about to be an eventful night. "Mthakathi ndini!" She points at Mam Zodwa. Oh shit. (You witch.) "Mthakathi ugog' wakho." says Mam Zodwa. (Your grandmother is a witch.) She walks closer to Mam Zodwa and slaps her. Haibo!

Not an Iyana and Andiswa 2.0. "Ma uyenzani manje?" asks Muzi. (what are you doing now.) "She's the reason my daughter is in there." says ma. "Ma don't start with your accusations." I say. There she goes again being dramatic and throwing accusations around. "This one practises witchcraft. I'm sure she needed someone to sacrifice so she chose my daughter." "Shut up Zinzile! You are one to speak about witchcraft." says Mam Zodwa and she slaps ma back.

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