Chapter 40: Explain myself.

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Iyana's POV

I hear the door close and i sigh a sigh of relief. I lower down the volume of the TV and i take my phone next to me. I see a missed call from Mabutho and i dial his number and he picks up after two rings.

"I'm sorry my phone was on silent hence I didn't answer it earlier." I say. "It's okay. Unjani?" he asks. (How are you?) "Ngiyaphila wena." (I'm good and you.) "Nami ngiyaphila. Uwenzani?" (I'm good too. What are you doing?) "I'm just chilling nothing much wena." "I'm sitting thinking about you." "Oh really now." "Yes really. I want to come and fetch you but I feel like it's too soon and i don't want you to think I'm rushing things."

"Oh." I say. "It's okay if you don't want to see me for now." he says. "Oh no it's not that. I would like to see you again it's just I thought you would ghost me because you probably don't find me interesting." I say. "You are an interesting woman Iyana and i would like to uncover all the layers there is to you."

"So if you fetch me now where will you take me?" I ask. "We can go to a park and just chill. I just need to see your face then I know my week will go good." he answers and i chuckle. "You so cheesy." "If it makes you blush then I shall continue with my cheesy lines." We laugh. "Send me your address so I can come and fetch you." "Cool." I drop the phone.

I stand up and walk to my bedroom. I change into more proper clothing which is plain white sweatpants with a white sweatshirt with gold writing on it. I wear my white Nike air sneakers and tie my hair into a high bun and lay my edges. I check myself in the mirror to make sure I look good and yeah I really do. Ma was right when she says I do justice to every piece of clothing out there.

I go downstairs and i chill in the living room for thirty minutes before I get a message from him telling me he is outside. I take the house keys and make sure I closed all the windows and lock the doors. I give the house keys to the security guards at the gate and let them know where I am going.

"Please tell Nkosinathi I'm out and I'll be back later." I say and they nod. They open the gate and i walk out and go to his car. I see him step out of the car and he comes to me and pulls me in for a hug. "Nice place." he says. "Thank you." We break the hug and he opens the door for me. "Thanks." He closes the door and jogs to his side.

He gets inside and closes the door. "How has your day been?" he asks. "It's been boring. I cleaned the house and that's pretty much it. Wena how was your day?" I ask. "It was okay. I couldn't stop thinking about you and the beautiful outfit you wore last night." I smile. "You better make the most out of seeing me now." "I sure will."

He brings the ignition to life and drives off. "Can I connect my phone to the radio." I ask. "Yes you can." I connect the Bluetooth and shuffle my playlist and the song 24 hours by Kaylow  starts playing. "I love this song." "Really?" "Yeah I do. I can't wait to sing it to you one day." I giggle. "I also can't wait."

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