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Iyana's POV
Five years later.

"Slide to the left." We move to the left. "Slide to the right." We move to the right. "Criss cross." We do the criss cross and Lwandle falls on the floor and i chuckle. "Ouchie mama." he says and i help him stand up. "Sorry boy boy come let's continue." He stands up. "Now do the cha cha." Lindo starts spinning and i laugh. "Is that how you do the cha cha?"

"Yes mama that's how you do the cha cha you just spin around." says Lindo and i chuckle. "Do your cha cha and let us see." I say to Lwandle. He also spins around and Lindo joins in and i also do the same. These boys have energy for days sometimes it's hard to keep up with them and what makes matters worse is that they are twins and it's double the energy.

We stop spinning and i fall on the couch and they fall on top of me and start tickling me. "Gu..guys you know I hate being tickled stop it." I say in between breaths. "Tickle tickle." "Stop it mahn." I hear the door opening and I'm guessing it's Nkosinathi. He better take these twins away from me for I am tired of them.

I hear his footsteps come closer and the twins stop what they doing and hide behind the curtains. "Where are these naughty boys?" asks Nkosinathi and they giggle. I still don't understand what's the purpose of hiding if you going to bust yourself. "Find us daddy." "Where will I start?" He comes closer and pecks my lips. "Uright?" (Are you okay?)

"I'm okay and you." I answer. "I'm good now where are those boys." he asks. "I don't know you must look for them." "Just drop a hint." "I am not about to backstab my kids for you." He gasps. "Its not backstabbing it's you helping your lovely husband." "Yeah right look for them yourself."

He moves away from the couch and looks for them underneath the table. "Where are you boys?" he asks and they snicker. "Find us daddy." says Lindo. He gets up and moves to the curtains and he opens them and they scream and throw themselves on his legs. He picks them up and they chuckle.

"How are you guys?" asks Nkosinathi. " We fine daddy. How are you?" asks Lwandle. "I'm fine too. How was your day?" "It was fine." "You didn't bother mommy." They snicker. "No we are always behaving." "Yeah right you guys always behave." I mumble and get up from the couch. "We do behave mama." says Lindo. "Please." They chuckle.

"What did you do to mommy?" asks Nkosinathi. "I didn't do anything it's Lwandle." says Lindo. "No daddy don't listen to him." says Lwandle. "Its the both of you guys don't lie." I say. "Apologise to mommy." "Didn't do anything." "Apologise." They huff and i roll my eyes. "Sorry mama." they say simultaneously. "I forgive you. Now you can bother your dad and leave me alone."

"Oh yes we will." says Lindo and i laugh. "What did you just get me into Iyana." says Nkosinathi. "They are your kids I did not invest in them alone. Let them bother you too for you are their father." I say. "So evil." "I love you too Nkosinathi." I kiss his cheek and walk to the kitchen to make us dinner.

Mam Zodwa has officially retired and yeah she broke my heart when she did but I'm glad she only retired this year because she used to help me a lot with the twins after they were born. I miss her that's for sure but we do still see each other every month and she's living life with her new man.

I take out the wok and pot. I add water, oil and salt in the pot and let it boil before I add my pasta. I make chicken strip stirfry and once it's done I plate up for all of us and call the boys to fetch their place mats. "Yes mama." I hear their little footsteps make their way into the kitchen. "Come take out the placemats and forks." I say and they nod.

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