Chapter 26: Too late to turn back now.

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Nkosinathi's POV

She's not even crying as she's telling me what transpired between her and Keketso. I feel myself getting angry at the things this fucker put her through. He is one sick bastard that's for sure and he will regret the day he thought hurting women is fun. He won't see this one coming. I don't care that he is my friend we don't need people like him on earth.

I have to tread carefully and attack when it's least expected because it looks like he is stalking her. I need to up her security but they will be guarding her from a distance because I don't think she is comfortable around them and i want her to feel like she is still living a normal life. I want to continue what her father was doing and if she wants me to take her to work I'll do so.

"I'm sorry for all those things you went through. I don't relate to it so I won't say I know how you feel. I'll be there for you Iyana and I'll always protect you. This time around he won't get away with it. He did in the past but this is his last time. It's going to take a while to get it done so I don't want you to think ukuthi I won't help you. He is dangerous and i need to tread carefully with him because I don't want to put you in more danger." I say. "Thank you Nkosinathi."

"Don't thank me yet." I say. "So you knew my dad is in whatever nonsense he is in?" she asks. "Yes I knew and his not one to be messed with so I'm surprised that Keketso is still a living organism." "He ran away after the whole thing so I think my dad couldn't find him." "He will regret it shem." She nods.

I kiss her forehead and move the loose strands of her weave away from her face. "Thank you for trusting me with this. I won't tell anyone else." I say. "Thank you for listening to me and never judging me and for believing me. It means a lot that you believe me." she says. "It's okay." We sit in silence and continue to watch the movie.

After the movie ends she stands up and looks at me. "Can we do something fun. I can't keep sitting here and wallowing in self pity when I could be having fun." she says. "We can't go out though it's too dangerous." I say. "Its okay. We can do something in the backyard." "What can we do?" "What's your hobbies?" "I enjoy playing basketball."

"Do you have a court outside?" she asks. "Yes I do." I answer. "Then let's go play basketball. You should teach me though cause I'm not that good." "You not that good or you don't know how to play there's a difference." She chuckles. "I can't play." "Okay let me go teach you how to play." I stand up and we go outside.

I have a basketball court, a tennis court and a swimming pool. Me and my brothers enjoy playing basketball and we play it once in a while. I take the ball from the basket and start bouncing it and i shoot. "Wow you really good." she says. "Practise makes perfect."

"Can i try." I give her the ball and she bounces it and she tries to shoot but misses. "Try again." After five tries she bounces the ball aggressively on the ground and folds her arms and sulks. "You know what fuck this shit." I laugh. "It's not funny Nkosinathi. I did it five times and it's not working out." "Yehlisa umoya." (Calm down.)

I walk closer to her and unfold her arms. "Try again. This time focus on your aiming and your posture." I say. "Its pointless." she says. "It won't be unless you try." "Fine." She takes the ball and she holds it and shoots and it gets in. She starts jumping up and down and she pulls me in for a hug.

"It worked." she says. "I told you." "Now I can start playing for women's basketball." I laugh. "You need a lot more practise for that." "I know but if you my coach then I'm sure i can get in." I chuckle. "Lets play tennis." "What don't you have?" "I don't know." We walk to the tennis court and she takes a racket and goes to the other side.

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