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Even though I hated saying this at one point,
I can't help but admit that we really are the same in some ways.

But can we please just stop playing this stupid game,
where we pretend we don't know each other's pain,
where we just turn up our noses or simply look the other way.

Short greetings followed by a "friendly" grin,
Oh come on, just show me what's really within.
I don't care if you scream,
I don't care if you shout,
Just break the silence, let it all out.

It's funny, the way I've always cared for you.
I remember your birthday even though I've never sent a card ,
and I pray for you, even when it's hard.

It's a strange feeling, I know.
I mean, we were never actually really close.
Although you may no longer consider me your friend,
I wonder if this is how it all really ends.

This may no longer mean anything to you,
but please know that I don't hate you.
I care, more than you think.

Perhaps in another life,
everything would be fine,
when everything was at peace.

Unspoken Thoughts IWhere stories live. Discover now