A Robbery?

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Location: Starbucks
POV : Nobody's

"Okay, apparently there seems to be a planed robbery, so be ready in case of anything!"
Teresa said over the ear comm

"Copy that" Renee returned.

Barbie and Renee were under cover as barista's at a local Starbucks in California

Zoe had told them a little bit earlier that there was a planed robbery.

The other day a barista had told the cop's that they overheard two men talking about a robbery right at this very Starbucks.

The cops didn't really care so rhe worker ended up telling the agency, her friend was a former worker before she broke the number 1 rule...

Never tell anyone you're a secret agent.

So now here was the spy squad, ready to stop the robbery
Before anyone gets hurt.

Just as Barbie was making a coffee for someone

Two men who looked like they were up to no good,
Entered the store

Renee and Barbie exchanged look

And they read each others faces

They both didn't trust them

The men sat in a corner a bit further from the others, they looked pretty broad and were wearing black hoods with a sketch face.

Seems sus right.

A couple minutes went by, and Barbie and Renee swapped places,
Barbie at the register, Renee making the drinks.

And after 5 minutes of watching the two,
The finally got in line...

"Here you go ma'am!" Barbie cheerfully said
"Thank you,  have a nice day!" The lady responded with a smile "aww, you too"

Barbie smiled.

Just then the two men got up to the counter

"Hey blondie!" One called

"Ugh, It's Amber" Barbie stated

"Litsen dear, I dont care if you're name was Porsha!" He started

Then he pulled out a gun,

"Look Amber, just give me the coffee, and nobody get hurt."

Shocked Barbie stood there confused

Did he just ask for coffee
She thought

"Um, what" she said with a raised eyebrow

"Don't play dumb now, two pumpkin spice latte's and nobody gets hurt" he said as he held the gun up at Barbie while his buddy collected a hostage..

This dude is serious

"Ok that would be-"

"Free, its gonna be free or she dies" he said referring to the hostage

"Uhh, y-yes s-sir, kim.. two pumpkin spice latte's" Barbie shaking and nervously looked at Renee

Obviously faking it..

"You back there, make it snappy!" Called the guy

The hostage could take it anymore and finally let out a screem causing the store to panic, after noticing that it was a robbery,

The guys weren't paying attention so Barbie quickly grabbed a metal tray and Renee flipped up onto the conter before Barbie handed her the tray.

Then like a flash of lighting Renee used the tray to hit the guy at the counter on his head causing him to fall out

The the dude who was holding the girl captive suddenly colasped onto the ground.

It was Teresa!

The captive was safe and so was the store.

"Thank you so much girls!"one officer said as the others pushed the men into the car

"No problem,"Barbie said happy


"That was the weirdest robbery we ever stopped!" Renee said

"Hey pumpkin spice latte's anyone? On me!" Teresa asked

"Uhh yeah" Barbie confirmed as they made there way back into the shop.

The end

Ok, new series... this is just gonna be random story's so yay....hal_kgreen inspired this idea ❤ check out their stories 'if you love karbie, you'll love them'

Also fun fact.. this story is inspired by a sign in my grandma's house 😏 She nice like that 💅🏾

Miya's Way out bai for now 😙

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