Musical Mix-up

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Brooklyn's pov

After my long shift at dunkin donuts, I needed to take the train to meet Robin, my bestie at the mall

"Ugh, why couldn't we just go tomorrow!" I cried over the phone to Robin

"Because the sale ends today! If we don't go today, we'll miss out on 75 percent of off the whole store.." she proceeded to tell me

Yeah, there's no way I'm getting outta this one.. I reached for my coffee and took a sip.

After 2 more minutes on the phone with Robin.. I hung up..

I opened my phone up.. and looked at my wallpaper
God, I really need to change the default wallpaper

I just got a new phone and haven't done anything besides connect my Google account, and contacts.

I went onto chrome to find a cute wallpaper off of Google, when the tab I was previously on was still up..

Bus routes?
I gasped! The train!!

I grabbed my body cross bag and dashed
I saw the bus stop only a block away, but the bus was also pulling up to the stop

So I had to book it.. I ran so fast that my coffee cup fell.. some stranger picked it up for me

"Thank you!" I yelled while looking at him for a brief moment

I made it~
I hoped into the bus and took my seat.. glad I don't have to run, atleast.. I thought as I took out my headphones

They were the free headphones that can With the phone

I plugged in my wired headphones
And opend up YouTube music

It was another one of those apps I used all the time

I love music, I'm always listening to music everyday.. I even was gonna enroll into a music school at one point

As the bus came to a stop I stopped staring out the window, I saw more people enter the bus..

It was a group of teenage boys.. that went to My school actually

"Hey what's up baby" one of them started, clearly talking to me

I rolled my eyes and ignored him.. I'm not trying to think about him right now

I looked back on my phone.. we have one more stop until we reach the station

I thought

Then the most stomach turning events happened

One of the boy's lifted my chin up so if face him

I quickly pulled back and screwed my face up "don't ever do that again, Jerome" I told him as I stood up

"What's your problem barbie?!" He asked

I put my hand on my hip
"I don't want talk to you.. and don't have to.. were not at school.. so I don't know you"

I looked him in his eyes.. he's been messed with me for a while now and honestly I don't plan on dating him despite his attempts

He probably just assumes I'm playing hard to get.. I hate boys.. I wish I found an actual good man

After the bus pulled to the stop I waisted no time running off the bus

Just as I suspected, the boys followed me.. I ran as if I was late for the train which I was

As I was rushing I bumped into someone, dropping my phone in the process, their phone seem to fall too

We quickly grabbed our phone

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