the unexpected period

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"Hey, no fair.. you can't use that one!" Ken cried as Barbie opened yet another chest in the video game

"She's gonna be soo overpowered at this point" Teresa said while she grabbed a hand full of popcorn

Then Teresa mother yelled

"Teresa voy a la tienda será mejor que hagas tu proyecto y no juegues ese juego todos los días!!"

The young 13 year old sucked her teeth "aye, Yes Mama!" She yelled backed

The 13 year old kids were supposed to be doing a school project but decided to play on Teresa's Playstation 3.

Ken, barbie, and Teresa finally finished their Match at this hour so barbie got up to go get some more snacks so they can actually start the project

"Hey babs, I think you might have sat on some ketchup" Ken told her

She looked at him confused then Teresa started to look at the stain

"No, that's not ketchup!" She gasped
"Oh.. then what is it"

"She started her period"

"What!" Barbie gasped while Ken sat in confusion

"I don't get it"
"She bleeding out her vag-"

Barbie grabbed the girls face stopping her from saying another word

"Tea, what do I do!" She panicked

"Uh.. you never had you period before?"
Teresa asked her

"No!" Barbie said still panicking
"Uh.. we need a um.."

"I got it!, Barbie is not pregnant!" Ken blurted

"Welp, that was very unhinged.." Teresa mumbled before saying "Agh, pad!" She snapped before she ran upstairs

"Teresa can I play with you guys now?" Asked her younger sister

"No Mila, maybe later.. right now there's an emergency" the brunette said before rushing into her mother's room

"Great, my mother's not even picking up her phone" Barbie sighed while Ken paced around Teresa's room.

Then Teresa came back a little disappointed

"Soo.. turns out.. my mother only uses tampons" she said

"Okay! We're saved!!... wait... what's a tampon I thought you said you were getting a pad?" Questioned the boy

"Well... you kinda have to stick it up there" Teresa said

Barbies eyes were out of her head at this point and ken was traumatized.


"Come on, you got this barbie.. just don't think about it to much" Teresa tried to reassure her while she slowly closed the bathroom door

"Your right... I got this!" Barbie said with determination..

She did not have this

"Uh.. you good in there?" Ken asked

She winched as she was basically frozen from the pain

"Uh, I think I did it wrong she said"

"I'm just gonna try ouch, ouch ouch" she cried


"Everything good in there"

The concerned friends asked
"It's stuck.." she said out of embarrassment

"What do you mean it's stuck" Teresa said

"I can't grab the string it's too far in"

At those words Ken basically passed out
"Um, hold on I'm coming" Teresa said ready to help a sista out..


Ken was waiting for a while
Outside the door

"Okay, deep breath" was the last thing he heard Teresa say before a loud scream was heard from Barbie

"That can't be good" He said to himself before hearing an


He knocked on the door.. "everything good in there?"

"Yep... there is blood everywhere though"

Ken felt his face scrunch up at hearing that

"Ew." He said loud

"Sorry.. " Barbie was heard giggling out of embarrassment like she always did.

After about thirty minutes everything was back to clean, and Barbie decided to just use toilet paper for the time being.

If you thought she was ever gonna use a tampon again, you had another thing coming for you.. that thing traumatized her

Once Teresa's mother had returned from the store the kids had to tell her what happened

"What! Why didn't you call me mi sobrina" she said to barbie while she held her hands

"I didn't think about it?!" She said like she was confused

"Alright, I'm going to go call you mother and we will talk about this later"

With that clementine, Teresa's mother dialed Margaret's phone

"Hey clem, what's going on is every alright" the kids heard Margaret say over the phone

"Hey Peggy.. soo" clementine said as she walked into the other room

"Welp that was horrible" Teresa said as the kids plopped onto the couch

"Anyone else want chocolate... or just me" Barbie asked the kids.

The end

Another story losely inspired by a real event in my life.. also I was on my period when I started writing this.. but got on punishment and couldn't finish it soo yep..

No that wasn't important to say but oh well I guess... anyways hoped you enjoyed.


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