do you belive in magic?

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Location: golden Beach high.. math class

Barbie was zoned out as she couldn't help but wait for class to be over, she was barley paying attention..

So when the teacher called her name she was quickly brought back down to earth

"Ms. Robert's, Are you still with us.. or is your own space better than my class" Mrs. Green asked the blonde girl

"Ugh, I was paying attention, just thinking about how to solve the problem " she giggled out of embarrassment

"Is that so, how about you show every one what you got then!?" She said calling her to the front

Barbie got out of her seat and groaned before grabbing the marker from the teacher

After one quick look at the board, she quickly awserd the problem..

"That. Is. Correct! Great job Barbara, I guess you were paying attention" she smiled while Barbie sat back in her seat

And after that class continue until the bell rung after what felt like an eternity.

Barbie closed he locker as she sighed.. "arg, Teresa. Don't scare me like that" she said to the brunette haired girl with glasses

"Sorry b, we gotta hurry and get to the library.. before it closes?!" She reminded the blonde

"Right, you get nikki and flora and we'll head over there" Barbie said to her and she nodded before she left to find the girls..

Mrs. Green, their English teacher had assigned everyone a group project and they had to write a book about someone going on an adventure

So, the girls were gonna head on over to the library for some inspiration from other adventure books

Sure! Here is a longer and more detailed version of the story.

Location: library

The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the library was as quiet as ever.

Barbie and Teresa, often spent their free time in the library, exploring its vast collection of books.

Today, however, was different. Today, they were actually working

As they browsed the shelves, Flora's keen eyes spotted an old, dusty book hidden behind a row of some children's books

"Hey, look at this!" she called out to the gruopof girls .

Barbie, Nikki, and Teresa gathered around as Flora pulled the book off the shelf. It was covered in cobwebs and looked like it hadn't been touched in years. The cover was adorned with intricate designs and mysterious symbols.

"Hm.." Barbie looked at it.

Location: Barbie's house

"What do you think it is?" Nikki asked, her eyes wide with curiosity as she examined the book that the librarian let then have

Because it was so crusty, dusty, musty, and rusty.. that they were going to just throw it out

"There's only one way to find out," Barbie said with a smile.

She carefully opened the book, revealing pages filled with strange, glowing text.

"It's a book of spells," Teresa whispered in confusion.

"Look at this one. It says 'Portal Casting.'" Barbie said excited

"Should we try it?" Flora asked, her excitement growing.

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