(A gift for sarah 😈😈) THIS IS PAYBACK

48 4 42

Location: abandoned Warehouse
Pov: Sarah's

(Might wanna skip this chapter, if you want lol)

((⚠Also, I might be violent, you've been warned ⚠))

I woke up in a dark cold room,
I was tied up both arms and legs

as I looked around I saw a door
Then out of nowhere the door flew open

Then to my horror Scott Dunbar enterd the room and walked up to me.

"Well, well look who we have here, Sarah Emily White" he said in a sinister tone

"What did I do to you, Your the one hurting innocent people! All because you didn't get a job position, grow up man!"

He didn't seem to like that because he grabbed me by the neck before tossing me to a near by wall

I grunted in pain as I saw him approach me again

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked

He began to chuckle "isn't it obvious, you figured out my plans and tried to warn you're little friends" he said as he began to laugh

I keep my cool trying to stay calm

"Haven't you heard of the phrase... snitches get stitches?!" He smiled evily

"Zoe is going to find out what you have plan, then you'll never get to power up that EMP wepon!" I stated

"Ha, tell me Sarah how will she find out huh?" He asked

I stayed quiet

"Awser me!" He yelled

I just look at him and smiled as I  asked "have you ever heard of the phrase... everything has it's time?"

He growled at that comments

Then he slapped me hard in my face

I tried to pretend that It didn't hurt and I was fine but, oh man did that hurt

He stood up and walked towards the exit, and opened the door before he turned back to face me.

"Well, I guess you'll just stay here until further notice." He said as that same sinister smile appeared on his face again before he began to laugh

Then he shut the door and I was back in the darkness...

The end..

Hope you enjoyed Sadiesia this one's for you my dear lol

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