In The Stars

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⚠️warning ⚠️
This is gonna have some sensitive media for all the Karbie shippers and I am sorry in advance.. pls don't hate me

(Nobody's pov)

As the heart monitor started declining, and dropping low she couldn't stop her tears..

He gripped her hand before he choked out his last words "I- wish I said it.. so-sooner.. but I love you barbi-"

His eyes slowly started to close and his grip got lose

"No, please don't leave me" she cried "I love you too.. please...please" she started to slowly drop to the floor as the heart monitor starter going off

He's gone...

The doctors and nurses had entered the room and the tears were heard all around the room... I can't believe just like that he's dead.

The doctors had to remove everyone from the room, but the blonde girl refused to let go of his hand and soon had to be dragged out by her own father

"No, please" she broke down onto the floor as her little sisters came and gave her a emotional support embrace

Then followed by her parents, and the boy's parents and little brother

At the age of 18, she lost her best friend..

"Kenneth sean carson, beloved by many.. missed by many,...

he left us to early.. and he left as a hero.. nobody was as caring as him.. he loved to surf every weekend..

and I remember one time he had giving up his surfboard.. his most prized possessions to buy a jacket for someone very special to him..

We thought he was crazy for selling something so valuable to him.. for her.. thats just how caring he was.

He was brave.. when that fire had broken out, he held that window open for EVERY, SINGLE STUDENT in that class that everyone still got to survive.. and he..ended up losing his own life...

Mr. Jonah.. you're never going to be rememberd as a loving English teacher.. never!.. you took my baby away from me.. my baby.. and I will never forget you.. and I hope you rot in jail for the rest of your life!" Mrs. Carson said before taking out her tissue and wiped her eyes

Ken, will always be remembered.. and missed and he didn't deserve this.. but he sacrificed his life so that all his classmates.. especially Barbie could live.

She watch, first hand before he pushed her out the window.. with no one left to hold the window open for him.. it slammed shut.. smashing his fingers in the process

She tried to break the glass, but no matter how big the rock was or how hard she slammed the window.. it never opened or broke..

He placed his hand onto the window
She placed her hands on his, on the window..

The window was burning her hands, and yet she didn't move them not once.. not even to wipe her teary eyes..

She stayed their helpless, hopeless.. as she saw him slowly crumble to the ground

Thankfully the fire fighter and cops, and ambulance got there right?!... well on the care ride to the hospital Ken wasn't in his best shape

He had half of his face burned and he had so much smoke inhalation.. at least that's what the nurse said to the girl who wouldn't dare to leave his side for a moment

"I'm so sorry" she kept apologizing as if it were her fault

"Give me your hand" He tries to smile as he held his hand out

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