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LIFE HAD RETURNED TO ITS USUAL RHYTHM FOR EVERYONE, BOTH AIKU AND HIS GROUP, AS WELL AS KAISER AND HIS. Little had altered since your departure, everything was the same of how it used to be, just without you. Except for the simmering tension that lingered between Aiku's faction and Kaiser's and the loneliness that evaded the mansion.

Since the day you were discovered in a coma, Aiku was struck with deep despair at the sight of you in such a helpless state. He questioned whether you would ever awaken, as there were no signs of imminent recovery. The impact of your prolonged slumber was not limited to Aiku alone; it resonated strongly within his group. You had become an integral part of their lives, and the realization that you might never emerge from your perpetual dream shattered them. Nevertheless, they clung to one unyielding objective: when you finally awoke, they vowed to never let you go.


Your eyes snapped open, immediately assaulted by an unforgiving blaze of blinding light from above. Squinting against the searing brightness, you scanned your surroundings with mounting trepidation. A rush of sheer panic gripped your chest, causing your heart to plummet like a lead weight into the pit of your stomach. Questions thundered through your mind, reverberating with an intensity that shook your very core: Where on earth were you? And, more harrowingly, who in the world were you? A profound sense of existential dread consumed you, casting you adrift in an abyss of disorientation and uncertainty.

You cast desperate, frantic glances around, a surge of panic welling up within you. The urge to scream, to break free from the confounding situation and seek solace engulfed you. But you were paralyzed, held captive by the unknown. Every trace of your once-cherished memories had vanished, leaving behind a haunting void. It felt as if the essence of who you once were had slipped through your grasp, a cruel theft of your precious past.

In a sudden flurry, a nurse burst into the room, her hands involuntarily releasing everything they held as her eyes locked onto you, a mixture of astonishment and disbelief etched across her face. With an urgency that echoed through the corridors, she bellowed out into the hallway, her voice ringing with a potent blend of shock and excitement, "Patient L/N is awake!" The proclamation reverberated, carrying the weight of hope and anticipation to all who would hear it.

In a whirlwind of astonishment and relief, the nurse darted toward you, her steps propelled by a mixture of urgency and awe. Ensuring your very existence and wakefulness, she reached out, her hands trembling as they came into contact with your being. "Oh my goodness! This is nothing short of a miracle!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with a blend of incredulity and wonder. Your gaze met hers, apprehension flickering within your uneasy eyes. Perhaps, in her presence, you could find solace and aid in unraveling the enigma of your own identity.

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