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         AS YOU GRADUALLY OPENED YOUR EYES, you allowed them to adjust to the gentle, warm light streaming through the windows. Sitting up slowly, you rubbed your eyes, only to realize that you were in a completely unfamiliar room.

"You're finally awake, Y/N. Good morning," a familiar voice greeted, prompting you to turn and find the man from last night standing there.

"Uh... Good morning..." You hesitated, still unsure of his name.

The blond smiled, "Kaiser." His introduction finally shed light on his identity.

Remaining silent, you wracked your brain trying to recall where you had heard the name before. It stirred some uneasy feelings within you, as if there was a deeper connection to Kaiser that you couldn't quite place.

Observing your conflicted expression, Kaiser quickly changed the subject, attempting to divert your attention from your thoughts. "Get ready, I have a few people who want to meet you," he said, flashing a reassuring smile.

You decided to put your lingering unease aside for the moment and focused on the present situation. With a nod, you replied, "Okay."

Kaiser led you through the unfamiliar room to a nearby door, where he gestured for you to follow him. As you stepped into the corridor, you couldn't help but notice the opulence of the surroundings. The place seemed grand and lavish, hinting at the possibility that Kaiser might be someone of influence or affluence.

As you walked together down the corridor, your curiosity got the better of you, and you asked, "So, who exactly wants to meet me?"

Kaiser's smile grew wider, though there was a hint of mystery in his eyes. "All in good time. You'll meet them soon, I promise. But first, let's grab some breakfast together. I'm sure you must be hungry."

You hesitated for a moment, unsure if you could fully trust him, but your hunger won out, and you agreed to join him for breakfast. As you entered a luxurious dining area, you were greeted by a group of people, each with a unique presence.

Kaiser proceeded to introduce you to the intriguing individuals in the room, each of them possessing a unique aura that spoke of their skills and backgrounds. Their names were Otoya, Kurona, Yukimiya, Karasu, Ness, and Rin, whom you've met before.

You glanced at Rin, taken aback by his unexpected presence. He averted his eyes, and a sense of curiosity led you to furrow your eyebrows. Did he know you were coming?

"It's finally nice to meet you... again. Ahem, Kaiser has spoken a lot about you, Y/N." Yukimiya said, adjusting his glasses with a warm smile. The sense of familiarity in his voice made you wonder just how much Kaiser had shared with this group about you.

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