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YOU STROLLED CONFIDENTLY THROUGH THE GRAND CORRIDORS OF THE BUILDING, following the familiar path that led you straight into the dining room. As you entered, your eyes fell upon a few of Kaiser's companions, gathered around a large table.

The room was adorned with intricate tapestries and elegant chandeliers, giving the space an air of both sophistication and comfort. The scent of a sumptuous meal filled the air, inviting you to join the group and share in their camaraderie.

As you entered the dining room, Yukimiya's keen eyes caught your presence, and he greeted you with a warm smile. "Oh, Good morning, Y/N," he said, his voice exuding genuine friendliness.

His welcoming demeanor put you at ease, and you returned the smile, feeling grateful for the camaraderie you had found among Kaiser's companions. The breakfast table now felt like a place of belonging, a sanctuary where bonds were forged and stories were shared.

"Good morning," you replied, taking a seat at the table with a sense of comfort and familiarity settling in your heart. The conversations flowed naturally, and you found yourself engaged in discussions that ranged from the day's mission to the camaraderie that united the members of The Order of the Dawn.

"Y/N, you didn't come to dinner last night. Why?" Kurona asked. You noticed Kurona's curious gaze fixed on you, and his question caught you slightly off guard. His expression remained stoic, but his eyes betrayed his genuine interest in understanding your absence from the dinner the previous night.

"Sorry for that," you replied, trying to find the right words to explain. "I just got tired and went to sleep early, that's all."

Kurona's skeptical gaze lingered on you for a moment before he turned his attention back to his food. His expression gave away nothing, but you could sense that he was still processing your explanation.

The silence that followed was a bit awkward, and you wondered if you had said something wrong. However, just as you were about to break the silence, Kurona spoke up again, his tone calm and composed.

"Kaiser didn't show up either, do you have any idea why?" Kurona inquired, his voice breaking the ice.

A subtle blush graced your cheeks as you recalled the fleeting moments from last night that now seemed like hazy fragments of memory. The vivid emotions and sensations lingered in your mind, but the details were elusive, leaving you with an inexplicable mix of curiosity and longing.

"Oh, no, I don't," you replied, trying to keep your tone casual, even though you knew it was a lie. The words slipped from your lips with an unsteady confidence, a subtle tension betraying your attempt to conceal the truth.

Kurona's gaze flickered for a moment, as if he sensed something amiss, but he didn't press further. Instead, he nodded in understanding, accepting your response without further questioning.

Restlessly, you fidgeted with your fingers, an uneasy sensation settling in the pit of your stomach. The intensity of the conversation made you feel as though you were being interrogated, and the discomfort it brought was palpable. You had always valued the camaraderie and trust within The Order of the Dawn, but the weight of your half-truth burdened you, creating a tension that was hard to shake off.

You took a deep breath, trying to regain your composure and push away the unease that gnawed at you. While you knew that the secrecy was necessary for the greater good, it also weighed heavily on your conscience.

"Um, I'm just gonna go," you said, your voice quivering with a mix of emotions as your head started to hurt.

Otoya raised an eyebrow, "but you haven't ate yet."

"I'm not hungry."

As you reached your room, you closed the door behind you, seeking refuge in the silence and solitude. unwilling images flashed in your head, and as you sat on the bed, the pain in your head intensified, like a relentless storm battering at your thoughts.

Each memory was returning to you and with each memory, your head throbbed, the intensity of the recollections proving to be both a blessing and a curse. It was as if a floodgate had been opened, and you were now inundated with moments you had once lost.

You remembered the faces of your other 'friends,' the camaraderie you had shared, and the laughter that echoed through time. However, alongside the those memories, was your shared moments with Kaiser's companions.

"Whose memories am I getting?!"

The memories came in fragments, sometimes vivid and clear, other times shrouded in ambiguity. The pain in your head persisted, a testament to the profound significance of these recollections. As you navigated the labyrinth of your past, you found yourself grappling with a mix of guilt and longing, questioning the choices that had led you to this moment.

In the midst of the torment, you clung to the resolve to embrace your past fully, no matter how painful or joyful it might be. The memories were a part of you, and you were determined to understand the person you once were and the reasons that had led you to your present reality.

With each memory that you reclaimed, a tapestry of emotions and experiences unfolded, weaving together the fragments of your past. The pain in your head slowly subsided, replaced by a sense of clarity and purpose.

As you sat on the bed, lost in contemplation, you knew that the journey of rediscovery was far from over. There were still many questions left unanswered, but with every memory that returned, you felt yourself becoming more connected to the person you had once been and the intricate web of friendships that had shaped your life.

You gazed at your trembling hands, and in that moment, a profound understanding washed over you, revealing the essence of who you once were. The memories that had resurfaced brought clarity to your identity, piecing together the fragments of your past like a long-lost puzzle finally being assembled.

"Criminals, huh?" You whispered. "Was I lied to the whole time?"

As the weight of the truth settled upon you, you couldn't help but feel a mix of shock and disbelief. The revelation that your past involved criminals was a bitter pill to swallow, and you found yourself staring down at the floor, trying to process the implications of this newfound knowledge.

The uncertainty gnawed at your heart, leaving you questioning the authenticity of your past experiences. The thought that you might have been deceived all along filled you with a sense of betrayal, as if the very foundation of your memories was crumbling beneath your feet.

It was an overwhelming realization, and you felt a surge of conflicting emotions. Anger, confusion, and a profound sense of loss washed over you. The person you once were seemed like a distant stranger, and you grappled with the idea that your identity might have been shaped by lies and deceit.

You shook your head, "No. I can't do this anymore."

You were gonna end it all.


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