Chapter Seven

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Hadrian walked into the twins' shop, smiling at all the items that would help with pranks. He gently sets Anna down and tells her to not wander too far away from him but she can look around. She smiles up at him and nods before going and looking at some of the pranking sets. He watched her for a few seconds before looking up at the stairs. The twins were grinning wide as they greeted people and helped them with the products that their customers were curious about. He made his way up to them. 

Fred was the first one to notice. “Hello, welcome to Weasley Wizard Wheezes, got anything you’re interested in?” 

Hadrian raised an eyebrow before he playfully rolled his eyes and moved his hair to show his scar. The twins stopped as they stared at the scar, then taking in all of Harry.

“Harry?” George tilted his head. They watched Harry nod before they both pulled him into a tight hug. “Where have you been? Last we heard of you, our family was telling us that you had gone missing.”

“Well, I did leave the Dursley’s. But I have my own estates that I’m living in now that no one but who I key in can enter.” Hadrian layed his head on one of their shoulders as he let them take in what he said. “I’m safe, and I have a younger cousin that is like a baby sister to me that now lives with me since she is a witch and was also getting abused like I was.”

“Is she here with you?” They both looked around their shop to see if they can see anyone that looked anything like Hadrian. They felt him nod before he slightly moved away and looked around. He soon pointed.

Anna was looking through some beginner pranks kits that would definitely help her get a start at hogwarts. To the twins she looked like she couldn’t be any older than 8. But if she was going to hogwarts with Hadrian than that meant she had to be at least 11 and that she had a very similar childhood to Hadrian.

Hadrian soon blinks. “By the way, is it true that you two actually graduated early and how did you pull that off?”

Fred gives him a grin. “Technically yeah. We took most of our NEWTs last year in the ministry. We did it so we could go ahead and open shop. But we’ll be going back with you this year so no one questions it. How did you figure that out?”

Hadrian scratched his head as he looked around the shop. “I remember Hermione saying something in passing before we left for the summer and that Ron was raging and raving about it on the train ride home. Besides that, I knew nothing else. You know how the typical summer for me goes. Severely abused, almost bleed out, wait for letters that never come, miss you two because you’re my only actual friends in Gryffindore that isn’t trying to use me for money, fame, or power.”

The twins stare down at Hadrian as they listen to him talk. It was the typical Hadrian summer. And they were the only two that ever get told about his summers. Because he trusts them and they know that. Now that they put the young girl into Hadrian’s typical summer, they realize how much worse it actually is than what he really tells them. They soon look at each other.

“Hey Harry.” Hadrian looked up at them. “Can we take you and your sister out to eat?”

Hadrian blinks up at them. “Yeah…you sure you want to do that? Might of just gotten out of Sirius’s trial and I might have creamed Dumbledore a new one when he came in late and tried to stop the trial.”

“He tried to do what?” Anger flashed across their faces.

“Oh yeah. I was finally able to get a trial set up for Sirius since he’s my godfather and my biological guardian. Dumbasadoor comes in late and tries to stop it all while calling Sirius a murderer. He knows Sirius is innocent, he had been keeping him hidden away.”

“We hate Dumbledore…nice nickname by the way.” They both give a thumbs up with amused smirks.

“Thank you, I learned from the best. His name is Draco Malfoy, you might know of him?” He chuckled softly. “He’s actually my Godbrother, Draco is. Naricissa Malfoy is one of my Godmother’s and shes already doing an amazing job at it.”

Fred blinks as George stares. “Your Godbrother is…Draco malfoy…?”

Hadrian nodded. “Yup, quite a bit of a shock for myself when I found out too. But it was my mothers wishes, it was her attempt to make sure I never made it to her sister's house, which was stated in their wills. But you can clearly tell how well that turned out. I can’t get too mad though, without me, Anna would probably be dead by now or very close to it.”

George sighs. “I have afeeling we know exactly who dropped you off at your aunt’s doorstep.”

Hadrian nodded. “Yup. Dumbasadoor himself.”

Fred groaned. “Let's go find a place to eat before you drop anything else on us.”

Hadrian nodded and started walking down the stairs. “Lily Flower.” He watched Anna turn towards him and run over to him and grab onto his hand.

“Hadie! They have so many amazing things here! Your friends are so awesome to be able to come up with a shop like this.”

Fred and George chuckled as they got behind Hadrian and looked down at Anna. “Why thank you little lady, we take great pride in this store. If it wasn’t for Harry actually giving us funds from his winnings during the triwizard tournament, we wouldn’t be able to have our dream shop.”

“You helped with this big brother?” Her eyes were wide with wonder as she stared up at Hadrian.

He chuckled as he nodded. “Yeah Lily Flower, I have so much money as is from all my inheritances and from my parents that I didn’t need it so I gave it to my two best friends that needed it more than I did. And I have to say I am very proud of all the hard work they put into it.”

Fred and George put their arms around his shoulders as they slightly lean against him. “It took us all summer to get it up and running, Harry. A lot of work we tell you. There was even a time where is was nothing but an empy building. Can you believe it, Freddie? Our amazing shop was nothing but an abandoned building at one point.” “It’s hard to believe Georgie, but it indeed was nothing but blank walls and floors. Now it's the most popular shop in Diagon Alley!”

Anna stared up at the two in wonder. She just found two more role models that she wants to be like. Hadrian recognized that look. And all he could think was that he prayed for the future of Hogwarts if she was going to be anything like the twins.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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