Chapter four

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Hadrian and Anna had made their way into Knockturn Alley. Hadrian needed a new wand and Anna needed a wand. "Stay close to me, okay?"


He smiled at her and ruffled her hair. Which got a ‘Big Brother!’ He chuckled at her.

He grabbed her hand. “Lets go get our wands, yeah?” She nodded happily. 

They walked into the shop, Hadrian immediately noticing the difference in magical aura here than at Olivanders. It felt…..more powerful. He smiled, it felt right.

“Welcome, welcome, how can I help you two today.”

“We both need untraceable wands.”

The man nodded. “Well, who first?”

“I’ll do it first.” Hadrian stated.

The man motioned him forward. Hadrian came forward, but kept Anna at his side.

“Okay I’m going to pull out the cores and woods.” He went into the back and came back with two boxes. He opened them and looked at Hadrian. “ You are going to have to hover your hand over the woods and cores. We don't do things like Olivanders.”

Hadrian nodded and held out his hands over the woods. He feels two pulls, he grabs them. One was a dark word, the other had a light red shading. He looked back to the wand maker. 

“Blackthorn,” he points to the first one,” its wielder needs to pass danger or great hardship to properly bond with it.” He then pointed to the other one. “Red Oak, it's perfect for dueling, it responds well with those are quick-witted, light of touch and reactive.”

Hadrian nods. He breathes in as he closes his eyes again and holds his hands over the cores. He felt drawn to three. He opened his eyes and stared at them. One looked like a scale of something, the second looked like black and blue feather, and the last one looked like some strange black liquid. He, again, looked up to the man, who’s eyes were wide.

He stuttered for a second before getting his breath back and looking at Hadrian. “The first one is the only Basilisk scale we’ve ever gotten our hands on. Rare and will make spells in parsletongue and parslemagic powerful.The second one is from a blue and black phoenix hybrid, a magnificent creature it was, dark spells can be cast, but makes lighter spells that much easier to use for the ones with a dark core. And that liquid, that is blood from a black unicorn, willingly given. Great luck, but dark and powerful.”

Hadrian was taken back. Well shit, this is one way to find out you have a dark and powerful core. “How long will it take?”

“Up to an hour, but I also have to make that little missie wand as well.” 

Anna took that as her cue to do what she saw Hadrian do. First the woods. She felt a tug to one wood, so she picked it up. It was a light brown wood, she didn't know what it was so she looked at the wand master.

“That's ash wood, it's ideal for those who are stubborn and courageous, but not arrogant and brash.”

She nods accepting that answer. She then held her hands over the cores. Feeling a slight tug, she picked the core up. It was a light brown feather. She looked at the man again.

“Thunderbird feather, powerful but difficult to master. Particularly prized by Transfiguration. It can sense danger and cast curses on their own.”

Hadrian was impressed, she would have a pretty powerful wand. She’d be a powerful witch. She’s going to go far, especially if she stays out of this stupid war. He would make sure she stayed out of this war.

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