Chapter two

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—3rd P.O.V—

Harry looked around him. They had popped up just outside of Gringotts. And they were getting stares. It's not every day you see a, what Harry assumes, creature in broad daylight.

He rolled his shoulders before looking down at Anna. Apparation was a nasty process for someone's first time. She looked slightly uncomfortable, but was still, somehow, asleep.

"Let's go," Harry said in a deep voice. That had the women around him, minus Tonks, going bright red. The men around gulped. His voice radiated power.

They walked into the bank, Harry slightly bowing his head in respect to the goblins. The goblins bowed back.

The ones around Harry looked at him surprised. Nobody ever shows the goblins respect. Harry strides into the building. Definitely walking with a purpose.

But it was they way he held himself that threw the group around himself off. His head was held high, chest puffed out, back straight. And he walked with the grace of a pureblood.

They were quickly in front of a goblin who was not busy with a person.

"Hello sir, I would like to speak with the Potter account manager," He said in a powerful but soft voice, for he did not want to wake the angel he is holding.

"I see you have finally read our letters about money being withdrawn frequently from you account," the goblin said.

"I'm sorry sir, but I have not recieved any letters about my account, i simply came due to going through an inheritance that I had no knowledge of," Harry said, his voice dangerously low.

The goblins eyes widened before, Harry was pretty sure, cursing in Gobbledegook. "I'll be right back Mr. Potter," the goblin said before getting down and going to the back.

Harry breathed in deeply to calm his anger. He was able to calm himself down. A goblin he recognized as Ragnok, the manager, came back with the other one.

"Firehawk has come and told me that you have not received any of our letters, do to this I shall be bringing you to the back with your account manager, is that alright Mr. Potter," he asked.

Harry nodded, he tightened his grip on Anna, but motioned for the others to not follow him. They respected his decision and stayed put.

Harry followed Ragnok in powerful strides. The ones who came with him watched. Wondering where all that confidence is coming from.

Soon they made it to Ragnok's office. Ragnok opened the door and let them in.

"Now Mr. Potter, would you like me to transfigure an item into something for you to lay her down on," the Goblin asked.

"Would you please," he asked.

The goblin nodded before picking up a quill and transfiguring it into a long chair. Harry nodded his head in thanks before gently laying Anna down.

He took a seat in front of the desk and waited for Ragnok. Ragnok soon sat in his chair and looked at Harry.

"Now, we'll do an inheritance test, this should show your birth certificate, Lord and Heir ships, what creature or creatures you are, potential blocks and potions in your system, and your vaults, which will also bring about the letters you haven't been getting," Ragnok was in complete business mode.

Harry nodded. "Okay Ragnok, what do I need to do," he asked.

Ragnok got out a golden dagger with some runes written on the blade, and a peice of parchment. "Simply prick your finger and administrate seven drops of blood onto the parchment," he said handing them over to Harry.

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