Chapter three

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Hadrian opened his eyes to see he was in a dark area. Everything was black, he couldn't see anything besides himself.

"Hello," he called out.

"You kept me waiting," he recognized that voice, but he does not know from where.

"Who are you," Hadrian asked.

"I am you," a golden red eye opened within the darkness.

"What do you mean you are me," Hadrian was confused.

"I am your creature, that old fool put a block on me, that is why we are just now speaking," that cleared up some confusion. 

"So you're me, does that mean I'm you," he asked.

"In a sense, yes, you'll be able to become my form," it stated.

"Form, what form," Hadrian asked. 

Suddenly, as if the darkness decided to disappear, Hadrian could see. And what he saw left him speechless.

The eye was a creature, a Dragon. It had black and light grey scales, a hint of red around its mouth and eyes. 

"This is what you can become, but this is not the only form we take," it held its head high as he looked down at Hadrian.

"You, we, have more than one form," he asked. The dragon nodded.

"But you are not ready to change into that form, your demon form," it looked away from Hadrian and looked up.

"When will I be ready," Hadrian asked.

"When you need it most. Our time is up, we do not need to worry the hatchling more," everything started to fade.

"Wait! What do I call you," he called out.

"Call me Nix," everything finally went dark.

Hadrian opened his eyes. He wasn't in the chamber anymore, he had been moved to another room. He felt a weight on his chest.

He looked down slightly to see Anna slightly curled into him. Her eyes were open and she was staring at the wall.

Hadrian took his hand and gently raked his fingers through her hair. She slightly jumped and looked up at him. He gave her a soft smile.

"Big brother," she sofly shouted. 

"Hey little Lily flower, how long was I out," he asked, trying to sit up.

She noticed and moved off of him. "An hour or two. We had heard a roar of pain, and I could tell it was you. Soon Mr. Ragnok came to get us because you passed out," she looked at him worried.

"Sorry Lily, it hurt getting those blocks off, along with getting rid of those potions. I got to speak with my creature too," He told her.

"What is your creature big brother, you didn't tell me," she looked excited to learn.

"Well, I actually have two, a dragon, and a demon. I haven't met the demon yet, I apparently won't meet him till I need him the most," he patted her head.

She nodded. "Im going to get the other, I'll be back," she got off the bed and left the room.

'The hatchling cares very deeply for us,' Hadrian heard Nix.

"Where are you," he said quietly out loud.

'I am in your mindscape, this is how we can communicate, you don't have to speak out loud either,' Nix told him.

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