Chapter five

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Hadrian sat in a waiting room with Anna. They were waiting for their meeting with the Minister. Hadrian observed his wand. Black and red wood entwined together, at the hilt some wood stuck out slightly like tree branches. 12 ½” surprisingly flexible.

Hadrian looked down at Anna, who was observing her own wand. It was light brown in color. It was smooth besides some small runic designs. 10” quite bendy. She stared at the wand in awe. Her very own wand, that she can do magic with!

Hatchling is adorable when excited.” Nix suddenly spoke up, he had been quiet for a while. 

Hadrian nodded slightly to himself. ‘She’s innocent, I’ll make sure she stays that way for as long as I can.’ He gently ruffled her hair when she wasn’t paying attention, which got him an angry cheek puff.

You’ll have to scare away potential suitors.” Nix pointed out.

Let them come, I’ll burn them. No one can touch my baby sister.’ Hadrian frowned to himself.

I will help in that conquest. No one is good enough for our hatchling.” Hadrian couldn’t agree more with him.

“Mr. Potter.” An ugly toad like women in complete pink called him up. 

He pulled his mask on and held a hand out to Anna, who took it. He soon followed the woman back. “Minister Fudge will see you now.” She opened the door.

“Thank you ma’am.” he gave her a small head nod before walking in.

Minister Fudge was signing some things on his desk. It didn’t look like he would look up at him soon.

Hadrian guided Anna over to a chair. He let her sit down before turning back to the Minister, who still hasn’t looked up. Something must have happened if he was this focused on paper work.

Minister Fudge nodded to himself before he looked up. “Ah, Mr. Potter. Lady Malfoy did say you wanted to talk to me.” He soon realized Hadrian did not look the same and that he had an extra person with him. “And, who is this?” He gave a soft smile to the young girl.

“This is Anna, my cousin sir. I came to tell you about that night, from my own mouth, and not from some senile old man.”

Fudge turned his full attention to Hadrian. “He’s not back Mr. Potter.” He spoke lowly.

Hadrian nods once. “I am informing you that I don’t know what happened that night.” He watches Cornelius eyes widen as he seems shocked to hear this from Hadrian himself. “All I remember is me and Cedric landing in a graveyard and someone yelling the killing curse. Everything after that is a blur. I was in shock sir. I didn’t tell Dumbledore anything he told you. I told him that we were portkeyed away and that Cedric was killed. I don’t know who killed or why. All I can think of is that someone was angry at me, for any reason you could think of. I have guilt that I am the reason Cedric is dead. I can't apologize enough for that.”

“Dumbledore….lied about you-know-who being back?”

“I’m afraid he’s lied about many things sir. Did he tell you that I grew up spoiled?” Hadrian watched him nod. “I didn’t, I grew up abused. Same with my sweet Lily flower here.” She nervously looked at the Minister. “I can tell you that he’s lied about a lot of things to you. Like that my Godfather was the one to kill my parents.”

“But he was their secret keeper!”

“No, he wasn’t, Peter Pettigrew was. They said it in their wills. Dumbledore was there when they changed the secret keeper. Dumbledore illegally closed the wills. And, Peter Pettigrew is alive, he’s an illegal animagus.”

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