Her Fears

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she stopped picking up a torn paper mache project when the thought of her true sexual preference surfaced in her mind. she smiled bitterly as a long,forgotten memory came up and reminded her of how tragic it would be if she stood up and came out to her family.

she was lost in her repose when a light tap on her shoulder brought her back to the present. she snapped, and look up. Lottie's worried expression look down at her.

"are you okay? ive'd been calling you out but you won't respond." she said. Alas massaged her temples and adjusted her glasses.

"nah. i'm fine. just.. just thinking of something. so, are we still going to finish this? i'm afraid we're going to be late." she really wanted to divert the topic. her friend look at her knowingly. Alas knew that Lottie sensed that she was avoiding an issue---her confidential, pandora's box like issue.

and Lottie also knew what it really was. but she thinks that her friend respects her decisions---of why she was hiding her true self. Lottie shrugged.

"yeah. better get dressed then." 

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